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Attempted break in..

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as above, went out in the rado today & noticed pasenger side window trims been lifted up, seems like some1's stuck a wire down to the handle to pop it & facked the cable/ handle & wont open from outside!!! :mad:


I was out lastnight in MK so it must have been then..


Its happened twice now since I've been driving it more!!!


Cant leave the car anywhere at the mo without some1 trying it on!!!


:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Read this post just as my old man has took a gobfull off some real hardass (use that term in jest) 15 year olds going up my street who, when my dad walked after them for a 'chat', kept on walking away giving it the large.. real heroes eh.


Its painful mate, and it must be bloody frustrating - you just wish you could catch them at it it so you could have the satisfaction of stuffing their head through the door windows :mad:


Why is crime (and the chav situation) escalating so far out of control - what are the police DOING?!

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Absolute b*stards. Good luck with getting it fixed. I've got some Passat rear handles if they've knackered yours (although not the locking mechanism :oops: ). Drop me a line if you need them (as they're no use to me any more).



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I'm just in the process of fitting some audi A6 handles to mine after someone had ago at my door too :mad: hopefully it'll deter them, but like you said can't leave ur car anywhere without someone having a go! And if they can't break in, they'll probably get the key out :mad: little pr*cks

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i hate theives :x :x the police dont care too busy catching speeders on open roads :x :x dont get me started bloody revenue thats all they're interested in

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sorry to hear about that bally, but if you must insist on going out in "legoland" (MK) :lol: . but really mate its not on! we all love our cars on here, i would rather someone break into my house than my car! As for the point about the police doing nothing................. i say we all chip in and buy a big van spray it black and fill it with eggs, drive around for a while and egg the fuc! out of any chavs we come across! i know a few people that do that kinda thing in their cars!

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Cheers for the replies guys, You nutter GK.... I no that if I was to get hold of the scumbags I'd end up in prison!!! :mad:


I'm glad its ok...


I'm going to to strip the door card etc 2mrw n see if the handles mechs inside r ok, otherwise I'll get some delocked ones for now.. Thanks thought Tom, I may take em of yah... :wink:


Its funny in somes ways as I had a CAT1 alarm fitted last wednesday, although from the windows etc you wouldnt think theres any security on it!!!


It is fustrating to say the least, cops haev more time drinking coffee than catching scumbags!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:


From now on I'll get a taxi.... :roll:

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I wonder if your next mod shouldn't be to find a way to wire up 40,000 volts to the door handles. :evil:

It would be rather illegal but hey - you'd catch the criminal (fried like a crispy roast chicken still holding the door handle), LOL



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Heh.. just come back to the car to find a steaming skeleton with one hand on the door handle and another holding a screwdriver just a centimetre from the keyhole... ;)

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That's f*cked up man - that's what really p1sses me off that you can't leavr your pride and joy parked anywhere without worrying that some scortes gonna try and take it/nick from it!!! GRRRR!!!!! :mad:


Would de-locked handles help in this case or not - as it sound as thought they've tried to get down by the window rubber? What about some armour door plates and those 'anti-slim jim' plates that stop people sticking coat hangers into your door.....

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Cheers for the replies guys.. :)


thanks to the help of David Wort y'day de-locked handles have now been fitted..:D


John I did think of that idea LOL but then I'd end up in prison, imagine standing up in court & explaining to the judge what you did :lol:


Dalj Im not sure on them arm plates things, saying that they want to rob the car nothings going to stop em!!! :mad:

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Bally...sorry i missed you in northants yesterday. Was out working with my mate...

Its unbelievable they tried!! i haven't been MK in ages, but from the cruise scene there, doesn't surprise me really.

Is ya window rubber ok?

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And a smoking burberry cap on the floor!


Haha, that made me laugh :)


Sorry to hear about the attempted break-in though Bally, that sucks... :(

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I've had the same doen to mine, the b4st4rds tried to break the lock with a screwdriver and made a dent in the door, still have to get it fixed. Sorry to hear that Bally. Hope you get it fixed soon too mate your C's a looker.



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Cheers for the replies guys.. :)

John I did think of that idea LOL but then I'd end up in prison, imagine standing up in court & explaining to the judge what you did :lol:


I think the line is : "I was defending my property your honour"


Seriously though I believe there is an interesting distinction in the law on these matters. Wiring up the door handles is actually illegal, and has been proven in case law in the case of an engineer about 10-12 years ago who was prosecuted who wired up a circuit with a 40A truck battery and big capacitors to the handles of his Sierra Cosworth which electrocuted a thief (threw him 10ft across the car park from recollection). The judgement hinged on the fact that the modification was a threat to public safety as theoritically anyone could have touched or brushed against the door.


However inside the car itself is a different matter. I don't believe the law prohibits you from installing a non-lethal device inside the car, but I am not aware that this has actually been tested in court. Certainly there are commercially available devices which do things like activate sonic devices inside the car which cause pain to anyone sittting inside, and there is another which fills the interior with thick gas. However my imagination conjures up thoughts of electrifying the ingnition or gearnob, or perhaps a sharp spike under the seat :D.


Question is... how well do you trust your own wiring for it not to go off (and ram a spike into your ringpiece) while you re driving the car to the shops?


Hmm... decisions, decisions....



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Cheers all for the replies...


Hey Dubprince, was hoping to catcup with you, oh well, the MK cruise isnt to bad, lastnight was the 1st time i took it.. it was well packed lastnight, met Roby D up there...the window rubbers ok...


Sanj, cheers M8 bummer abt yrs, myns all fixed now, sorrted it y'day..


Interesting stuff John, I rember that cossie story...


Im going to be be careful were its parked from now on, cos some prats even had a go at the centre cap with a screwdirver!!! :mad:

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However inside the car itself is a different matter. I don't believe the law prohibits you from installing a non-lethal device inside the car, but I am not aware that this has actually been tested in court. Certainly there are commercially available devices which do things like activate sonic devices inside the car which cause pain to anyone sittting inside, and there is another which fills the interior with thick gas. However my imagination conjures up thoughts of electrifying the ingnition or gearnob, or perhaps a sharp spike under the seat :D.


Question is... how well do you trust your own wiring for it not to go off (and ram a spike into your ringpiece) while you re driving the car to the shops?


Hmm... decisions, decisions....




You want a tazer gun targeted at the crotch area :lol: I'm not 100% sure about wiring something like that up myself tho... ;)

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...activate sonic devices inside the car which cause pain to anyone sittting inside...


Sounds very much like the alarm in my garage... ;) 8)


Set it off and stay inside for:


1) more than 20 seconds and you'll have ringing in your ears for a good few hours

2) more than 30 seconds and you'll have temporary hearing damage and ringing for a few days

3) more than 50 seconds and you'll have permanent hearing damage, and ringing for a few weeks

4) more than a minute and you're risking permanent deafness... :|

Oh, and the 2x 250W flood lamps aimed at the doors have a fantastic stunning effect! ;)


All covered by the sign on both doors warning you of loud noise levels and advising hearing protection... 8)


Dunno if it'd stand up in court, but anyone who'd tried it would have problems answering the questions due to not being able to hear 'em! :lol: :twisted:

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who wired up a circuit with a 40A truck battery and big capacitors to the handles of his Sierra Cosworth which electrocuted a thief (threw him 10ft across the car park from recollection).



I hope the f***er still has an annoying facial twitch as a result, I mean fancy going after a Sierra................

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I'm going to defend the Sierra Cosworth. 15 years on it's still a tremendous car. There is an original mint white one which I've passed a couple of times on the A34 to shows in the past couple of years and it just looks phenomenal.


The Cossie raised the bar for everyone during the 1980's. Until then "normal" cars had hot-hatch levels of performance (typically 8.5s 0-60, 125mph) but the Cossie pushed this into genuine supercar territory (6.s, 150mph). I wonder that if the Cossie had never been built, would VW have put the G60 or VR6 engines into the Golf & Corrado?


What do you reckon?



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Gotta agree with John - I loved the Cossie's when I was growing up. Also, if you read a lot of the old motoring reviews the Sapphire 4x4 was one of the cars they said you must drive/own in your lifetime if you're a petrolhead!.......(just like they say about the Corrado VR6 actually!) :wink: :mrgreen:

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