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Mystic 3.2 Storm under construction

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I've got the TT twin Cats to put on with the flexis on the downpipe so keeping all the probes, Don't like the custom manifolds that have the flexi after the downpipe as the engine movement then pulls the flexi sideways rather than compressing it (ever wondered why VW never do it?) an eventually you get the inevitable leak. I'm utilizing the vaccum flap to so it's quiet round town and then opens up when you belt it :)


I've decided the Brembos will be eith Red or Silver, not sure yet...


Glad you like it Pete, looking forward to seeing yours too, 24V is definately the way to go. It makes a good car really good. Personally I like the age of the Corrado because it's got the right level of extras and involvement, ie it's got just enough toys without all the extras that make the car heavy like todays cars. The new engine just brings it back up to date...

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