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Posts posted by TheHead

  1. Morning all.

    Thanks for taking your time to reply, it’s much appreciated.


    Sadly, for now, I won’t be getting back behind the wheel of this or any other Corrado.

    I did go out past for a better look and test drive of the VR6 in question and, although it is very nice and in very good condition, my wife and I have just got too much to do to our house and I can’t justify the price at the moment.

    I hadn’t realised the car had been up for sale for so long.

    There were a couple of things said when I went to view it which made me think, but on sale for two years is pretty nuts.


    Anyway, once our house is done, I’ll look to get another C, but for now I’ll just be lurking around the forum.


    Thanks again, guys

  2. Hey there.


    Thanks for replying.


    Yeah, it is the one at Jim Reid’s.

    Went out past last Saturday to have a look - genuinely looks the business.

    Have you checked it out yourself?


    I’m heading back out this Saturday to take it for a test drive and have a better look over it - and check all the areas you suggest.

    The car belonged to Jim Reid himself, so I’d like to think it’s had anything it needs done to it.

    I’ll maybe try and get my brother in law to come with me - he’s a mechanic and we’ll versed in checking over cars.


    The price is a tad high, but compared to others I’ve seen for sale on the likes of gumtree or eBay (which for one in similar condition all have around double the mileage), I haven’t seen any with the history this one comes with.


    I’m trying not to let my heart rule my head on this one, but the draw of the VR6 is massive! Lol

  3. Afternoon all.


    It's been a long time since I was last here - basically, I've had three Corrados in my time, loved every one of them, but for whatever reason they all had to go when they did.


    Since the last one went on it's merry way (very reluctantly and it's very much missed), I've craved to have another.....and this past week an opportunity has arisen for this to happen.


    I came across a K-reg VR6 for sale fairly locally and i'm very very tempted.

    It looks in near pristine condition - paintwork is near immaculate, interior is excellent, wheels are excellent - on initial look around there were only three things I could say were "bad" about the car, the handle for pulling the front seat forward to get into the back was broken, the window wiper stalks had a little bit of rust on them, and the rubber along the driver and passenger windows was a bit warped (although, i think i had this on my previous Corrados).

    Along with the car is a wooden briefcase with literally every bit of paperwork to do with the car - all MOTs, all services, all receipts, every tax disk, everything.

    I seriously cannot fault this car at all.


    The only niggling thing for me is they are asking £8500 for it.

    I've never spent that kind of money outright on a car, so it's a bit of a biggie for me (and possibly because of that it's causing me to worry if I should buy it).


    Do you more experienced folks in here think thats a good price for the car?

    As I'm not trading in, the price has already come down by £500 and the seller wont budge on the price.


    Am I being a fool in that I should snap this up immediately?


    Gimme your advice, folks - it's much appreciated



  4. Lol


    Cheers guys - yeah, the VR6 does have a lovely sound to it....and compared to previous motors, this thing does shift very well!


    Only had it a week, but some of the looks I've had are amusing - I suspect a lot of folk haven't seen one before (or for a long time) and assume that it's just an old decrepit motor.


    Roll on the burger boys and their Astras / Clios / etc! :)

  5. Hey guys,


    Just not long bought a VR6 (something I've been wanting for years) and I got wondering....


    The VR6 is an L-reg (1994) and I wondered if you chaps would have a decent idea of what kind of "modern day" cars would have difficulty in keeping up with this Corrado.


    It's a completely standard motor, so no engine upgrades, etc.


    Not that I'm intending on some Fast and Furious style street racing, but we've all had some young ned is his tarted up motor goading us on at the traffic lights.....I just thought it'd be good to know what kind of opposition I couldn't have a chance against :D


    Cheers guys!

  6. Hey guys!


    Just bought a VR6 Corrado and all is very nearly spot on with it.


    One thing bugging me about the interior is that the previous owner stuck in his own stereo, which i'll be keeping in for a wee bit, but there's no surround to it, so it just looked like a car stereo stuck in the hole.


    Would anyone have a spare surround, or know where I could get one?


    Much appreciated.



  7. Some fine news, folk!


    Not two weeks after getting back on the scene with the purchase of a 1.8 16V rado, I managed to pick myself up a VR6 yesterday!!


    A metallic violet type coloured motor, 91000 miles, L-Reg, very clean inside, a couple of slight blemishes on the body but nothing major.

    After saving for a bit for a respray, this VR6 should look the business!


    So chuffed!

  8. She's currently got a few dings on the doors - two small ones on the drivers door, one slightly bigger one on the passenger door - these should get tapped out with no real issues, hopefully.


    Interior isn't the best - will need to get the seats replaced and the carpet / roof cleaned up, as well as getting the door cards renewed.


    Had my girlfriend's brother check out the motor yesterday (he's a mechanic) and he says the motor is in very decent condition for it's age.


    I'm not going to lie, I know very little about cars and the ins and outs of fixing / upgrading them, but this little beast is going to be an ongoing project, so I'm kinda looking forward to getting my hands dirty and getting her as good as she can be....once the bank account is beefed up a wee bit! :p

  9. Hey guys!


    As a long time fan of the Corrado and now a second time owner (had my first about 10 years ago, but it died.....just bought my second on Saturday), I thought I'd do the dutiful and say hello on the Newbies forum!


    Now the proud owner of a black 16V model.


    Wish I had access to a site like this when I had my last one - no doubt i'll be hanging around here looking for hints, tips, and good ideas to get my latest motor as good as she can be! :)


    Here's a pic....







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