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10 GoodAbout redrado666
- Birthday 11/12/1990
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redrado666 started following corrado intercooler, Corrado front bumper, corrado skid plate and and 7 others
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Oops yeah sorry it's a late 95
After a rado front bumper. Ideally flash red but any colour and condition will be considered! I'm located in dorking j9 on the m25. Willing to travel a certain distance but if postage is avaliable then that would be a treat! Cheers , Sean 0777 eight 5 0 five five 94
But would a mk2 golf sump guard fit a corrado? How similar are they underneath?
cheers for the replys.... the issue i would have with lifting the engine is the boost pipes will touch the bonnet, already very close. and ive read you can fit a beetle 1.8t sump as its shallower but can have problems with the oil pick up? swiftkid if your interested in selling the guard then drop me a pm :thumbleft:
hello! been trying to get hold of a skid plate for my 20vt corrado as the sump is so low! ive found these- http://www.reflexautodesign.com/RAD_Skid_plateSump_guard/p1746568_8048232.aspx but dont make them for a corrado only a mk2 & 3, i have messaged them to see if they do one but the chap said hes not sure if a mk2 one will fit on a corrado. do you guys know if a mk2 one will fit? or do you know of a place that i can get hold of one? thanks!
after a rear cage for a corrado. no show cages 0777 850 five 59 four
as above im after a g60 brake set up or just calipers and hangers to convert my 16v let me know if anythings about cheers. 0777 eight 50 55 9 four
That's exactly how he said it. Said he didn't want to melt the engine. Will a vr6 tank bolt straight into a 95 16v? Cheers
hi guys currently have a 1.8t AGU corrado with a ko3s. The car was originally a 2.0 16v. Went to take it for a remap the other day and the mapper recommended that i upgrade the fuel tank to a corrado vr6 tank and pump as the 16v kjet stuff isn't up to the job. can anyone back this up as other stuff I've read online people have said the 16v pump is fine to use. thanks!
as title above says... im after a corrado vr6 fuel tank and system. im located near gatwick airport but can travel if needed. also im happy to pay postage fees. cash waiting. let me know what you have. dont get on here much so call/text me 0777 eight 50 55 nine 4 cheers!
does anyone know where to source one of these from? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=corrado+bonnet+pull+to+handle&rlz=1C1DSGQ_enGB494GB494&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=KL_mUsTmJKzT7Aa90ICABg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1517&bih=741&dpr=0.9#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=oCF5BpRe4_uvgM%253A%3B6Ynioa56Wjf-ZM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.rickandkaren.com%252Frick%252FTechnical%252FHood%252520Release%252FCorrado%252520Hood%252520Release_files%252Finside_cable.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.rickandkaren.com%252Frick%252FTechnical%252FHood%252520Release%252FCorrado%252520Hood%252520Release.htm%3B410%3B270 it connects on the handle where the cable meets mine has snapped :(
had a good google but cant seem to find the right answer. over christmas during the recent floods i woke up at 3 in the morning to discover the rado under water. the water was up to the gearstick and took a while to bail it all out! ive had to rip the carpets and underlay out to dry the poor girl out. does anyone know where to get that leather/bitumen type of underlay backing from that sits on top of the underlay? cheers!
i seem to get to 40 in second gear and it jerks a little and sounds like its hitting the redline (not sure if it is as i havnt got the rev counter working yet) and ill have to change gear.same with other gears feels like its hitting the limiter way to early. feels like theres no power at all!
i fitted a rangerover p38 intercooler on my 1.8t conversion. perfect fit. as for fitting fans in the gap you would need slimline fans. as said above a popular choice is merc sprinter but you will need to do a fair bit of cutting to fit.