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Everything posted by MoonlightVR6

  1. my corridor died today in traffic and I had to call the rac as i couldn't restart her. He narrowed it down to the number 18 fuse which the user manual says is fuel pump it has semi melted the surrounding area of the black plastic covering of the fuse board but since he put a new fuse in there and it started I hope that's just cosmetic. It was kind of brief and I didn't get to speak to him about causes as it was rush hour and a dreadful spot. He said I can drive her home but I need to get her looked at. He put another fuse in there and I made it home ok, I was quite cautious and it seemed sort of normal again with no visible problems. I was just wondering if anyone had experienced a similar thing and what was the problem? I'm thinking something must be pretty wrong if the board started to melt, shouldn't that fuse just blow?
  2. Yes, it did, it sounded terrible! It sounded like the go carts at thruxton (if anyone has been there). I am hoping the it's an exhaust thing, but I have a feeling it's not. I had a look but since the heat shield thing is in the way I could only see one corner. The manifold itself looks pretty worse for wear (rusted) , I wouldn't be surprised if it is cracked. But then it does sound different to the blowing manifold...[ATTACH=CONFIG]83081[/ATTACH] a weird question, is something meant to screw into the bolt looking port next to the spark plug? Looks like something should be... Get paid tomorrow so will change the oil and filter first. I think I understand, but can you confirm? The first number and w, is how free flowing it is when it's cold, is 5w, 10w or 15w better for a piston slapping? If the second number is the same viscous value but for when it's hot. Would I be right in assuming the 40 (as she has 10w40 halfords in her at the moment) should stay the same as the sound goes away when above 50 ish degrees? If that doesn't work I think I will have to contact stealth and see if they can schedule an appointment somehow, I'll haven't drive up and stay over night and stay in a b&b but will be worth it just for the closure. This noise is a nightmare! Does anyone else have a video of a piston slapping, to sort of cross reference? Was your video definitely a piston slap Jim?
  3. Hi All, Cant get through to my mechanic yet for confirmation, I think he is on holiday though. When I went over to partially pay, the head had just come back and had been skimmed, it was gleaming. The cams etc were not in it 100%, it was just the aluminium shell... I thought they had to take all the valves, cams etc out before they skim the engine block face of the head (or do the valves sit slightly de-bossed to the head's block/bottom face? -otherwise wouldn't the skimmer just hit the valves aswell?). They deffo took it all out though. With regards to the exhaust manifold. When I initially got the car back it sounded fooked! There was a month before this was tightened up and 'fixed'. I cant say for sure that the (suspected) piston slap thing came after, as it may well have been exhibiting this when the manifold was blowing, but the blowing was obviously over-powering the slapping (sound), I only noticed the slapping thing after the exhaust had been made quieter. The suspected slapping was 100% not there before they touched the head though. They used the same exhaust gasket, I can see some white filler between the head and manifold and it doesn't look new... Would you reccommend I try and replace this with a new gasket, however, could this even make a difference? Could the engine getting hot and expanding slightly seal this off (making it sound right)which is what I maybe thinking the slapping is? If it isn't the poorly fitting gasket making the slapping noise, I'm happy to leave the exhaust gasket as is. I just want to fix this awefull noise primarily, all the other little things can wait. Not sure on the head gasket used, I think its an pinkish/red rubber looking material, pretty sure its not the copper one. Will have to confirm though. IDK, I would like to take it to stealth but its a proper mission from me and besides, it will be v.hot by the time I get there (over 100 miles away) so the matey wont even be able to hear the cold start noise... Anyone know any Corrado specialists in or around n.w london?
  4. Hi All, Cant get through to my mechanic yet for confirmation, I think he is on holiday though. When I went over to partially pay, the head had just come back and had been skimmed, it was gleaming. The cams etc were not in it 100%, it was just the aluminium shell... I thought they had to take all the valves, cams etc out before they skim the engine block face of the head (or do the valves sit slightly de-bossed to the head's block/bottom face? -otherwise wouldn't the skimmer just hit the valves aswell?). They deffo took it all out though. With regards to the exhaust manifold. When I initially got the car back it sounded fooked! There was a month before this was tightened up and 'fixed'. I cant say for sure that the (suspected) piston slap thing came after, as it may well have been exhibiting this when the manifold was blowing, but the blowing was obviously over-powering the slapping (sound), I only noticed the slapping thing after the exhaust had been made quieter. The suspected slapping was 100% not there before they touched the head though. They used the same exhaust gasket, I can see some white filler between the head and manifold and it doesn't look new... Would you reccommend I try and replace this with a new gasket, however, could this even make a difference? Could the engine getting hot and expanding slightly seal this off (making it sound right)which is what I maybe thinking the slapping is? If it isn't the poorly fitting gasket making the slapping noise, I'm happy to leave the exhaust gasket as is. I just want to fix this awefull noise primarily, all the other little things can wait. Not sure on the head gasket used, I think its an pinkish/red rubber looking material, pretty sure its not the copper one. Will have to confirm though. IDK, I would like to take it to stealth but its a proper mission from me and besides, it will be v.hot by the time I get there (over 100 miles away) so the matey wont even be able to hear the cold start noise... Anyone know any Corrado specialists in or around n.w london?
  5. Do the tappets go quiet once the engine is upto temp, or are they always noisy if they are 'old and buggered'? I'm rubbish with a spanner but would like to try it if I can manage it with minimal knowledge. Do I need any special tools to get to them? How do I know if they are to be replaced? £300 isn't as much as I'd have thought it would cost to fix them, it is a lot sure, but easier to swallow than the bloody H.G! Regarding oil, would it be better to try and get the thickest engine oil i can find? Would the thicker oil help prevent anything getting much worse down the line?
  6. Hi Jim, Yes it has, before (the H.G) it was drinking water like a whale haha! But, it still sounded sweet even from an ice cold start. When I got it back they had not attached the exhaust manifold properly and it was blowing slightly. They have since tightened this up/filled the gap and that noise is no longer present. The time gap from having the head done to getting this fixed was about a month and I only really noticed (the suspected piston slap thing) after they tightened the manifold up (maybe it was there but I was more focused/paranoid on the exhaust blowing which over powered me noticing it - maybe because it (piston.S) goes after it has heated up... Idk) I have been real carefull with her since the gasket went as that cost a bloody fortune! I did over fill it with oil after getting it back from the manifold issue, I dunno if or how much that could have damaged her. How much of a chore is replacing the tappets, is that a head & chains off jobbie?
  7. HI Jim, Not too sure if the tappets were changed. The head gasket was taken replaced a few 1000 miles back, and I ASSUME that they did that as you have to take the cams etc off before you skim the block face (right)? When I saw it the head had just been skimmed and was just the aluminium head itself, not other parts attached? I can find out for sure but not sure 100% right now. I do recall my mechanic saying that it was a pitty this had to be done as the inside of the head looked really good, his words. So could have just put back in what was already there. I will find out and update.
  8. Does this mean that at higher temps its a little more viscous (thinner)? So does this mean its thinner at cold temps too, so it can be pumped around quicker and easier?
  9. would you think this is piston slap? I can try and get some more videos but I do not know how to get the audio better quality as I do not have a good mic. In the exterior video, I noticed it sounded different as I moved round the car, should I try from all 3 sides, front , left and right wings?
  10. I would say it is more of a constant noise, rather than a frequent tapping sort of noise. The best I can describe it is it sounds rough (not smooth like when upto temp), sort of loose, and kind of diesel'y all at the same time. It is present at idle but gets more pronounced from 15-20ish on the RPM gauge, cant say if it is present higher up the rev range as I have been driving it carefully, I am sure it quietens down after 20' rpm. although it could well be just drowned out by the engine speed/noise If you have ever been gokarting at thruxton, it sounds very much like their gokarts haha, chuffy and rough if that makes sense. In this I mean that when I had a problem with the exhaust gasket blowing some time ago, it sounded sort of chuffy (kind of repetitive like a steam train, but rough at the same time, almost lawn mowery/diesely) but I could only really hear that when driving past parked cars. This is similar I suppose, but only when its cold, but more rough/ diesely than chuffy... Wow its hard to describe, and it is driving me insane! What do you think it may be? Metal on metal doesn't sound good!
  11. Hi All, Sorry for the delayed reply, took a bit of messing about to get the videos uploaded. I have attached one from both inside and outside the cabin. The last 2-3 days (since they have been milder with less frost) has seemed to proove better on the old girl as the noise seems to be quieter, but it is still there. Not been able to swap the oil out yet, but get paid this friday so will do it over the weekend. What oil would you recommend for said piston slapping. 5w/40 or 10w/50? or fully synthetic 10w/40? When watching the videos back I cant seem to hear it very much but hopefully one of you will be able to notice the issue. Failing that I can try and get another clip of it on a colder morning when it becomes much more noticeable.
  12. Hi All, Thanks for the replies. I cant really hear the video at the moment as my work PC speakers are rubbish. I will deffo have a listen tonight with headphones and then upload a couple of mine to compare to yours. I will also deffo try a thicker oil, hopefully it numbs the sound a little which will make me happier, a bit. Would one of those oil treatment additives do any good, there is one which apparantly coats the metal surfaces of the engine with a plasic/oil layer (or along those lines) could this help? What should I be on the lookout for, as an indication of it getting worse, louder? Worst case scenario, what would happen if it completely broke down because of this? What causes this exactly? I had my head gasket done about 8 months ago and I am sure it started doing this after this. I don't think it did this before, even when it was loosing water... Could having this fixed have damaged the engine somehow?
  13. Hi all, Thanks for reply. I actually noticed I had made a slight error, it only seems to do this really between 15 and 20 on the rev gauge, after that you can still hear it but it seems to quieten down a bit. I will try and get a video of it, would it be better from inside the cabin or with the bonnet open looking at the engine? I will try and record 2 videos (of each). The other thing I have noticed over the weekend is, that it seems louder when your in gear pulling away and the revs are betweens 15 & 20, than if uyou are in neutral and you just rev it upto 20, it is there on both but when its in gear actually pulling it seems louder. Im glad that it should be 'live'able', howver, It does bother me a lot and I feel worried that its goign to get worse and worse and then have a hefty bill to accompany it. Can it be fixed, assuming it is the piston slap? I don't remember it doing it when i got it, at all... Which I think makes me worry about it even more.
  14. Hi all, Thanks for reply. I actually noticed I had made a slight error, it only seems to do this really between 15 and 20 on the rev gauge, after that you can still hear it but it seems to quieten down a bit. I will try and get a video of it, would it be better from inside the cabin or with the bonnet open looking at the engine? I will try and record 2 videos (of each). Im glad that it should be 'live'able', howver, It does bother me a lot and I feel worried that its goign to get worse and worse and then have a hefty bill to accompany it. Can it be fixed, assuming it is the piston slap? I don't remember it doing it when i got it, at all... Which I think makes me worry about it even more.
  15. Mine is on 75k and have started to notice a noise that I suspect could be the same. I'm so worried about it. I do not know how to describe the sound (mechanically I'm a complete beginner, at best), except it sounds like it's not operating smoothly (as when warm) almost rough and rattle. I noticed it is there at idle, but fairly quiet, it seems to get more pronounced from maybe 20 - 30 on the rpm gauge. To be honest I thought it might be something to do with oil, maybe it wasn't getting pumped round as easily as the oil was cold, once it gets to about 55 it seems ok though. I always check my oil every couple of days and try and keep in the top half of the dip stick marking. Could it be from putting too much in, I'm sure I read in the manual that is bad for something and I accidently did that just before I started to notice it. It is quite smokey when cold, but not really at all when warm. I know your paranoia well, I am almost scared to drive her, I am worried I am just making things worse just using it but have no other choice. What is this piston slap you talk of, sounds ominous!!! What are tappers?
  16. Hi everyone, My vr6 started doing something weird today. It seems to stutter as its pulling away, like it is missing some power, or is not constant power when it should be, kind of intermittent, but fast. It seems to drive, but if you imagine you put your foot down it normally accelerates at a smooth curve getting more torquy as it speeds up. It seems to do what it is meant to but it doesn't sound or feel like a smooth acceleration curve. Almost like its accelerating then dies for a millisecond (which it hasn't)then back to acceleration, you can feel the pull and then not then the pull again, its wierd. When I am cruising at about 30, I can usually be in 5th and it will just be above 10 rpm but smooth (it only shudders ifyou go below 10rpm) I have noticed that it shudders like the revs are too low when doing this now when it is usually ok. When sat I traffic I was revving it slghty to about 15rp, it does it both in gear and neutral so I don't think its the gearbox. It seems to do it when idling and revving, but you can really notice it going from idle to accelarating. It has petrol in there It sounds a bit louder than normal, but kind of lawnmowery, almost helercoptery (shuddering intermittent like a distant helicopter). I was trying to see if it was abnormal anywhere else, but temp seemed ok. I checked the oil and the water both good. The mpg was at about 17 something but there was a lpad of traffic on the way home so I don't know if that was the cause of that.
  17. Hi People, I got myself some carb cleaner and unloaded the whole can into the ISV, the 4 tubes that connect to it, the silencer and the one that feeds back into the air intake. With the ISV I just held it with the holes facing up, sprayed loads in each hole (so it sank right down in there)then put my fingers over the holes and shook it well, emptied the fluid and repeated until it flowed out clearish. It did rattle a bit, is that right? Not loads but like something seemed a little loose within it (hopefully just the mechanism), could it be broken? I also gave the silencer box thing a thorough lookover, the foam inside still looked ok so I sprayed the **** out of the box insidfe and out too, which wasn't too dirty inside actually. I looked for cracks over all the tubes but I couldn't see any on the tubes, they look alright. I did notice that the tubes that go onto the silencer didnt have jubilee clips, could this be letting air in/out (causing the fault)? I am thinking of getting 2 to put on this componenet anyways just for piece of mind. I drove to work this morning and it didn't do it, but I am not convinced it is fully fixed. I will update if anything changes, but for now I think it has fixed the problem. I guess only driving it a fair bit will tell...
  18. Thanks people! I will investigate tonight and let you know how I get on.
  19. I will try and get one on my lunch and update if it seems to fix the problem. I thought the throttle cable might need adjusting so that it idles a little higher on the RPM gauge (maybe to bang on 7.5rpm)?
  20. Hi All, I am interested in getting some Borbet A wheels. I know these will go on a Corrado as I have seen tonnes of them with them on. However, I know the most common thing is to put the 9" wide ones on the back and the 7.5" ones on the front. I do not like how the tyre fits on the 9" wide wheels, which is suspect is to stop rubbing etc. If I went for the 7.5" x 16" ones all round will these go on without being stretched onto the wheel and without any rubbing on parts of the suspension or arches? Has anyone got borbet type a (7.5 all round) and can you post a few pictures, pretty please?
  21. Hi All, I am having a problem with my 93 VR6. I have recently started to notice it has been having a wierd idle problem, however it seems a little different to everyone elses bad idle problem. The car seems to be exhibiting this when it is hot and I have not really noticed it when it has just started and is still cold, although since it has only started happening this could and probably will change knowing my luck. It always starts first turn of the key. The car itself idles ok if it is just sat there (parked up etc) at both warm and cold temperatures, see attached. The wierd thing I seem to be getting is when the revs are dropping only, and it only shows its face sometimes which I have been trying to figure out what I am specifically doing which is causing it. Before I noticed the problem, say I dip the clutch between 15 and 20 on the rev gauge, the needle falls quite sharply until it gets to about 11 then it kind of slows down (buffered so to speak)and slowly goes down to the idle point which for my VR6 is where the picture is attached. (around 7) When I have the problem, say I dip the clutch and the revs start dropping sharply, it will fall as low as 10 and doesn't seem to be buffered before it gets to the idle point, it just falls sharply right past the it (Idol point) to as low as 5 whereby it is about to stall. Then sometimes it rises back up to its usual idle point, but seems a little erratic. Sometimes it stalls completley, but it seems to always start back up first turn should it stall. The thing is its quite random, sometimes it does it sometimes it doesn't, but usually after I have been driving it a while, not usually on first start up when it is cold. Also its usually only when I am driving, so could the revs dropping and the brakes being used at the same time be sapping power or something. The reason I say is I have noticed the problem, then when I got home and am parked up, I revved it right up to 30 and it falls how it should do, being buffered (so to speak) at 11 and then falls slower to usual idol. Yesterday it was doing it quite badly on the way home, I was having to give it a bit of gas or it would just stall constantly, which seemed quite dangerous at the time. I left late today so as the traffic would be lower when and if it started happening and it didnt do it at all. So I couldn't get a video yet, but I will try tonight. Has anyone had this specifically and what was it and how was it fixed? Thanks in advance. [ATTACH=CONFIG]82315[/ATTACH]
  22. I'm up by the old 'clay pidgeon' pub, now V5... Have you been through this before, do you have any idea of the costs?
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