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Everything posted by stevenmcc

  1. Robbo, You probably don't want to hear this, but it's still in the garage :( . To be fair, its taken so long because the garage was v busy and I was away for 5 weeks, so I didn't require it straight away. Having done a pressure test, 3 cylinders were not up to scratch, so the head was supposed to come off last week in order to see what the rings and bores are like. Whilst typing this I have just spoken to the garage and it appears that the head is ok, but fluid can pass the 3 cylinders - rings are obviously shot. Engine is going to come out and the pistons are going to be checked. As for the warning lights, they will be checked once the engine is sorted. I do not think it's going to be cheap! The guy working on it seems a good bloke, and he's been recommended by the forum. Hope yours isn't as serious. Cheers Steve
  2. This is the first time I have used GAE, and he hasn't given me a quote yet - lot of work on. All I can say is that he is v helpful, and worth giving a call.
  3. It certainly is black. You may well have spotted me - driving extremely cautiously of course! Dropped it off at GAE. Cornelius was very helpful, but also v busy, so it may take a while. Luckily I am going away for a few weeks, so won't be needing the car. I'm just hoping it's not going to be expensive.
  4. Have got a problem with my VR and am getting it trailored to home (Portsmouth) this afternoon. Does this Cornelius still work at GAE, because it certainly sounds like the place to go.
  5. Checked earth connections and as many wires/connectors as poss - all seemed fine. Called out RAC and they couldn't help, so am getting it towed to a garage this afternoon. Looks like I'm going to be shedding out a load of cash!
  6. Thanks. I'll have a look - where should I be looking for the engine earth?
  7. Hello, Haven't been on the forum for some time as I have been away. Car has been running fine, when the other day the oil light starting flashing. I'm aware that she drinks a bit of oil, so did a check,thinking it would need a top up, but it didn't. Then the coolant warning light starting flashing and the temp gauage no longer works (all in the same outing)Left it over night (mainly so it could cool down). When I checked the water and oil levels in the morning, they were both fine. I cracked on with a journey I had to do and after about 2 mins both lights starting flashing. I had to get some where, and I was confident that both fluids were topped up and there were no leaks, so I carried on to my destination (about 30 miles). When I got on the mortorway I felt a distinct lack of power and it sounded a bit like it was misfiring. Pulled over and carried out checks. All seemed fine, and when I started the engine again it idled with no hiccups. Carried on to destination, but with definite strange feeling to power delivery. I left the car for a day, as I was busy with work. Tonight I checked all fluid levels and gave the engine bay a good going over, looking for any loose wires/plugs. I couldn't see anything, so tried starting. The car started, but both warning lights were flashing, and it was now definitely not firing on all cylinders. I have read through a lot of problems that people have posted. I am by no means any expert, but have come up with a couple of reasons: temp sensor is malfunctioning, and hence messing with ECU? Oil pressure sensor malfunctioning? Would any of my poor hypothesis' give the problems I have described? I am now stuck and not quite sure what to do (I know it sounds pathetic!). I obviously shouldn't drive it, so am tempted to call the RAC and get it towed home so I can investigate in slow time. I get the feeling this could cost me big bucks - I hope not. This has been a very long winded message. Has any body got any ideas or advice. Thanks
  8. Thanks for the advice. I went back to the garage on Monday and asked to see the senior technician and get a copy of their report. When reading the report it stated that the ABS pump and master cyclinder 'may' have some corrosion inside. Having informed them once again that when I had brought it in the brakes were working fine, and the ABS light was going on and off as it should do when you start up, they began to come round to my way of thinking. I asked them to remove the brake lines and clean them out, then try bleeding the system again. They phoned me yesterday and said that it had worked! Lesson learnt - I won't be visiting a VW Main Dealer again.
  9. Having bought a VR6 a couple of months ago I thought I'd give it a service. The biggest mistake I made was taking it to a VW main dealer. I asked for a normal VW service, and I also needed a new passenger door handle and a look at my broken sunroof. The service was going to consist of the usual and the brake fluid needed changing - when I took the car in the brakes were working fine. After what should have taken a few hours I get a phone call two and a half days later informing me that I needed a new ABS pump, a new master cylinder and new bleed valves, and all for the price of £1700. You can imagine my reply. After talking to a number of mechanics, garages etc I was pretty convinced that something wasn't quite right - car goes into garage with brakes working fine, to car needed full brake overhaul. I went in to see the service manager and asked to talk to the senior technician. I am no expert but I have a fair idea of how fluid moves round a pressurised enclosed system and it certainly appeared that they were trying to fob me off. I have asked them to remove the brake pipes and blow air through to clean them out. There is far more to this story, but is probably boring everyone. I must be right in saying that if my car needed all that new gear, surely the brakes wouldn't have worked, or would have been pretty crap before hand. Anyone ever had this type of problem or get any advice. I found this sight while trying to look for as much info on Carrado's as possible.
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