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10 GoodAbout SteveyJ
- Birthday 08/19/1980
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SteveyJ started following Jamie's Flash Red VR6 - Woken From Hibernation, Is this Khaki Pearl?, Front Drivetrain issue and and 5 others
Sorry for the late, response, a house move meant I lost all internet and just got back online! Thanks for the links to the Khaki pictures, and yeah I feel its not the same. Darn as I love the look of the one I attached to my initial post. I'm liking the genuine Khaki but just not as much??!!??
Hi all, I know its a rare colour and most of us probably haven't seen one before, and it's even hard for google to find one , but from a couple of pictures I've seen the colour seems to vary so much (some browny, some grey, and some greeny) and the pictures tend to be really low res pics and so hard to to tell what it looks like. Anyway I stumbled across this picture tonight of a car and wondered if this was a Khaki Corrado with a load of polish and great paint on it or something different and unique? [ATTACH=CONFIG]80131[/ATTACH Cheers
Yeah thats like mine, fault occurs exactly the same point on every revolution - what is the wheel speed disk?? and catching what the ABS sensor?? I need to find a picture of this!!
Interesting, yeah doesn't creak. Its as if something is pinching the hub like brakes, but obviously had them off??!!??
Advice please people. Noticed this week that my front drivers side wheel makes a grinding noise on revolutions (not so much on turns, just turning), so today I took it apart looked at the pads, and they had all even wear, caliper is moving back and forth, discs are clean, so couldn't see a problem that would cause that to bind, so while apart thought I would wobble the hub and got no movement, so thought not the bearing, and then turned the hub by hand and when it gets to a certain point on every turn it increases its resistance. What do you think it could be, I would of thought bearing but its not wobbling and not juddering under turning, or braking. Cheers Steve
Thanks for your reply Rob!!! Was outside checking this, and running the car upto temperature when you must of posted. That was the problem so only knows how long it has been like this for!!!??!!! I looked at this after reading this post which states what bit of loom goes where: http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?t=40560
Hi All. After trying to fix all my small niggle corrado issues, I have now got an annoying one!!! I had a fault code of 00527 Intake Manifold Temp Sensor, and have just replaced this and now have the fan running continuously while the ignition is on. I haven't taken it for a good drive as I'm concerned they are running literally 10 seconds after ignition is switched on and then switches off when ignition is off (obviously no over run as not even hot), and this is all from changing the temperature sensor in manifold?!?!? Has this now triggered a new fault as something is getting a reading from manifold?? Have cleared codes I think and am not getting any new or other fault codes on VAG-COM to suggest any other issues. Anyone have any ideas? Cheers
Problem resolved - Mods please delete - Google Forum search worked a treat!!
Hi Si Thanks for the kind offer to meet up, I live near Aldershot, so about an hour and half from you. I believe your 100% right, I think the scanner is just not suitable for the car since reading reviews again and me hoping even thought it states 1996 onwards VW's I was hoping the car was technically advanced maybe by a few years as it had the port, but obviously the software is not understood as too old on the car. I think I will get the VGATE one then you recommend as like you say has good reviews and obviously works on OBD1 engine VR's. One question on the old corrado does VAG-COM do anything that the Vgate doesn't?? Obviously on newer cars it would (such as lighting, door locking etc) but on our cars would it do anything extra as the cars as still very basic? Cheers Steve
OK cool, thanks for the replies, so can anyone recommend a scanner which can be used with the Corrado? I've read some bad reviews about VAG-COM cheap copies on eBay and as said before would rather keep it in the car. Was reading about VGate but want to be sure I buy one which actually works this time??!!??
HI Si Thanks for reply, I only bought a one on amazon which is made by Autel called Autolink. It does plug into the 16pin plug and switches on by tries to load and states can't link', I just thought that if it had the 16 pin plug it would of worked, so maybe it only can work on newer VW's only even if my old one has the same plug?? I just fancied one to keep in the car If people are using VAG-COM is it all the same, as you can get some really cheap ones on ebay, so if anyone has one which works on an early VR6 I would be interested to know what one you bought. Cheers
Hi All. Bought a scanner this week to see if my car throws any fault codes, but it says it cant link to the scanner? Is it not suitable?? The car is a 93 VR6 with the OBD2 port in the gear level trim, I've taken the underdash tray out and see there is a terminal block with some cables terminated into a VW block, I'm guessing these are just vacant as the car doesn't run a true OBD2 system, but surely I must be able to read something? Any ideas on why its not 'linking' Cheers
Just to add, the car is running very rich all the time too.
On my new motor the car runs OK when start up, and now finding out it occasionally stalls at when coming to a stop once the engine temp has reached 90 degrees, the revs just drop off even though clutch is depressed and so stalls. So was look at it during lunch and realised then when at temperature car will stall unless MAF sensor is unplugged, if unplugged works fine but at the 90 degrees temperature if you plug the MAF back in and the car stalls instantly, you can instantly start back up through ignition key but it runs a bit lumpy and then may stall again once you come to a stop again unless MAF is disconnected. Does this suggest the MAF or is it just coincidence as obviously it is monitering air and so unplugged hides other problems. Cant check for codes yet as don't have a reader, but I have ordered one but won't come till next week so was just going to try some trial and error ideas this weekend. Any Ideas??
Hey guys, yeah thats what I'm saying. It works perfectly on the switch both ways, but when going for a drive it raises at about 50mph, but stays up, even when I slow down to a stop or even park up and switch off it stays up?? The only way to lower it then is through the switch?? Not a common problem then?? Cheers Steve