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About speedo

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  • Interests
    watching telly


  • Occupation
    VW Technician
  1. ......ey, that`s the one 8)
  2. Hi... . . . iv`e just poped over from the VR6Golf forum, and i am interested in this subject. I have a OBD2 so can`t be touched, but the other half has a 2.8 golf OBD1 TB, which i have just changed to a 2.9 TB. Does this need doing to the 2.9? as you can notice the difference straight away on the 2.9 !? What is the stupid lump of metal for? (inside TB)
  3. Thanks. dont know why it keeps doing that. Anyway...VR6 is that Tom(VR6)? "Raddovr6"
  4. Hi Guy`s... ive just come across from the (cough!!) VR6Golf forum 8) Iv`e just added: kevhaywire Tom(VR6) Joe M Joenose corradovr6sc ....to the list for the schrick manifold. Is this correct, and are there any more?? :roll:
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