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10 GoodAbout Gaffgorion
- Birthday 07/12/1989
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Gaffgorion started following New to Cars want a Corrado
I actually do not really plan on getting one for maybe another 6 months, funds will not be freely available till then and I may even have to put it off longer. I'm starting a business so that is the big variable so wish me luck! However I do watch the market and there has only been 2 Corrados go up for sale here on craigslist, looks like per month and in general looks like I'm probably going to need to travel a thousand miles to get a decent one on other sites. There is actually a really nice one here currently up for sale but its completely restore and modded(Very expensive) and I want to buy one cheap and build it up for both the education and experience. Is there a great site or sites to use when I begin searching?
I actually agree with you entirely, there are definitely certain 'groups' that often associate with a particular brand. I've heard things like that about honda owners, and you sound like you are from the US so you are probably aware of diehard chevy and ford fans that hardcore bash eachother until the sun sets(And maybe sometimes they stay up to continue bashing eachother) I originally came from Pennsylvania, and the Chevy, Ford wars get a little out of hand there. There are the odd balls, like myself though that have no preference.I have never actually owned or considered owning a VW car before I started looking into cars. I've ended up appreciating several VW vehicles. If I can't find myself a Corrado my next choice is a VW Scirocco Mk1 or Mk1 Golf I just love the body style. The only car I liked as much is when I was looking at RWD and I was loving the Porsche 944 which is funny because the Corrado was originally conceived to be the possible successor of the 944. I actually am with you in preferring older stuff. I'd actually prefer an engine I can build up cheaply and learn a lot as I go, I'll probably eventually replace that engine down the road and get something more challenging and with more potential eventually.(I plan on keeping this car for years and keepin her pretty) So keeping with cheap parts and wide availability and capable of upgrading is there something you can recommend? I definitely agree with you, though based on my research I'd preferably go for turbo over supercharger the reason being that any supercharger has a parasitic effect on the engine at all times which d. As opposed to a turbo where as if driven without engaging boost actually increases MPG(Which as an ecomodder is pretty sexy). However both deserve respect IMO. I do, I want to shed some not needed weight if possible, but ultimately I want the car fully loaded. I may remove the back seats because my women will never drive with me in a manual car. Also means she won't be driving it... Muahahahaha Anyway correct me if I'm ever wrong about any of my information. I literally went from knowing absolutely nothing about cars to where I am today in under 6 months. I've always been a fast learner so that strong suite is what I'm relying on right now to work on cars.
No prob thanks for the feedback! Yeah it told me initially it would await moderation, but then in my history nothing was there so I wasn't sure if it was pending moderation or lost. Anyway see post #11 that is my missing post :)
Cool thanks Reca, I plan to be posting on the forum for a few days, but typically only during my work hours lol. I work 8:30-5:00 Arizona time. Another 3 hours for me. From the looks of it my last post must of got lost in Cyberspace. Looks like I'll be needing to rewrite it in a bit here.
Just wrote about 3 paragraphs it said waiting moderation, don't know if its because of its length or what but I can't find a history of it. I will rewrite it if it doesn't get posted(Writing this just so you don't think the thread died if its a length issue)
@Sean oh that would be awesome if I could find one in a ready to go condition(Mechanically) for that price. I'd take that any day. But I'll be sure to stay away from people who have not maintained their car. @Reca I can look at that list to find out specifics but its in this list Checklist compliments to mic_VR. I literally just used the browser search function to pull the numbers for me. I'm at work atm so I can't read anything in great detail until later so I just use Tech to speed stuff up for me. I actually got here in a very strange way... I was originally looking at strictly RWD cars and after extensive researching and listing about 20 platforms in which I would like to work with it kind of dawned on me that I'm not going to be able to drive the RWD cars on my budget at the moment, (I wanted it for drifting purposes) however as time progressed it seemed like less and less fun and more and more work. However i must add if I had an abundance of time and money, I'd still get a drift machine. What happened was it dawned on me that I simply want a car that CAN go fast when I want it to, the rest of the time I drive normally. So I ended up wanting a great handling car and didn't care how power got to the wheels I simply wanted the power to be there. I also wanted respectable economy for that power. So the list ended up being, great handling, lightweight, fast, reliable, and decent mpg that I can use as a DD, not to mention, it requires devastating good looks ;). Anyway I looked at alot of lightweight cars I actually have that list, however at the top of that list is the Corrado. It is the most appealing to me, first thing I am into ecomodding, so two important things as a base platform is lightweight, and aerodynamic. Well the Corrado aside from looking awesome, has a drag Coefficient of 0.32 which is not amazing but its better than most! And is light! I do not plan on making any extensive mods to this car(As far as drilling extra holes), however like you I do want to resto-mod it. If I can I don't want to put in any extra holes into the car that aren't already there stock. But I don't know what engine I want in it either. I'm not a diehard fan of any brand. A car is just a car to me, if it was a well made machine I respect it. Doesn't matter if its VW, BMW, Mercedes, Ford, Chevy, Honda, Toyota etc. Now certain brands have there consistencies but I'm open to any great car. And in my opinion the Corrado is one the the great cars that fit perfectly into what i want right now. So that said, I'm open to anything, which engine is easier to work on G60 or VR6 and which one more reliable? I plan on messing with things like A/F ratio and programming the computer myself. Like i said I'm into ecomodding, I have an idea on how to give the Corrado(Any car) variable drives that change the A/F ratio and other things to actually radically boost MPG(lose speed) and switch back to normal driving for speed. So whatever engine can take the most beating while staying reliable(I don't plan on personally beating it up but what I do might need some extra leeway before I know exactly what I'm doing) So if the G60 or VR6 is recommended to me, I'll get it, if another brand or engine from VW is recommended I'll throw that in. In the end, if I ever get sick of the car I'm rebuilding it to factory stock and then selling cause I respect the car and their enthusiasts. I haven't worked on cars yet and I'm already sick of people ripping apart once perfectly good cars or letting them rot. So what engine would you recommend for a crazy person like myself? Based on what I'll be doing, the engine will take extra heat than stock under normal driving conditions, I have a few ideas on how to solve this issue but I have several ideas I don't know which one I'll stick with yet. Lets just say I've done extensive research into my idea.
Hi Reca, thanks for the reply. I'm in Arizona however I'm probably going to have to go out of state to find one I like which I am willing to do. Currently I'm broke, but that should change soon starting a business so I should have cash flowing in if everything goes as planned. So is that 10k the total price of the restore(Including the car price, or $5k+$10k(15k)) or just to make it a DD?
Just threw in literally a bunch of the items on that checklist that had a price, making the assumption that is what it costs to make it a DD(I am not really making this assumption thou, I'm assuming this number is actually WAY OFF) would be £1,852.5 or $3103.31 not including purchasing costs. I like to set up a budget though so I know what I'm getting myself into
Thanks for the quick response! Thank you for that buying guide I'll look into it. Btw I'm from US(unfortunately) would you know off hand what a Corrado worth buying would cost in this market? One that is not a nail? If not I'll just use your prices. Also once I buy one would you be able to give me an approximate cost of making it a Daily Driver, assuming it just had the standard problems? In the end I plan on restoring it 100% however in the beginning what would the ballpark cost to make it reliable DD? I'm going to add up all the stuff on that buying guide an assume thats the fix up costs. But if there is a better assumption I'd love to have it :)
Hey everybody, so long story short, I had a lot of shady stuff happen to the cars I've owned by local mechanics. Now I want to be able to all auto work myself. However, I haven't spent any time under a hood yet, and I'm looking to get a car that I want to fix up and learn as I go. After searching for 6 months trying to decide on RWD/FWD, engines, looks, manual, auto, I actually went from having no clue how an engine works to understanding all the basics. There is nothing left to learn but finally getting my hands dirty. I've ended up wanting a VW Corrado, I think they are incredibly beautiful fun looking cars. The only problem is I'm finding answers all over the board as far as its reliability, how easy it is to work on, however I 'really' want this particular car. I've looked around several forums and I just never get a direct answer. Or rather the answers are direct but they are 50/50. Parts are cheap, parts are expensive. Parts are easy to find, parts are impossible to find. Etc, this site looks pretty active and I want to start building a knowledge base. I want this to be the car I start out with, don't really want a car everybody is driving on the road I want something unique. So the questions; If I really wanted to turn this car into a 'fun daily driver' how much would i be looking to build one up to a reliable DD? Are the engines reliable, what sort of problems am I going to be looking at down the road. I understand I'll have my problems as does any car. But I'm a little afraid this car is going to be more trouble than its worth, some people have given me that impression and I'm hoping that feeling is wrong. Help me out guys :)