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Arnie Clark

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About Arnie Clark

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/07/1969


  • Location
    West Coast Scotland


  • Interests
    classic cars ,snowboarding, fishing, football


  • Occupation
    car detailer also do valeting


  • Plus One

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  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mk2-Golf-Coilovers-Wietech-/141971077224?hash=item210e22b868:g:IQ0AAOSwBnVW9kgo
  2. aye because they under mk2 golf coilovers will put link up http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mk2-Golf-Coilovers-Wietech-/141971077224?hash=item210e22b868:g:IQ0AAOSwBnVW9kgo
  3. weitec coilys for sale on ebay for £250
  4. ive got black fetish for cars tbh all my cars are black and have been lol
  5. aye sound Id be cheeky n send him an offer its joke some of prices for rado spares good luck
  6. have you seen this yet http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vw-Corrado-Heated-Leather-Interior-/162047749235?hash=item25bacc6c73:g:JVEAAOSwKfVXG1c9
  7. arrgggggggggggggggggggg:bonk: bud i will keep eye out as im always trolling will post any up i see
  8. wots the saying once you gto black youll never go back lol
  9. https://www.gumtree.com/p/car-replacement-parts/corrado-g60-breaking-more-pictures-added/1163075390 phone number he says he has full leather with door cards
  10. are you looking for early door cards therss a pair on ebay 49.99 a side heres the link http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VW-Corrado-Passengers-Side-Door-Card-in-Black-with-Trim-Pre-92-Car-8V-16V-/401008754076?fits=Car+Make%3AVW%7CModel%3ACorrado&hash=item5d5dfbfd9c:g:cKIAAOSwYHxWGUCc
  11. Vr6 alive n kicking argyll n bute Irn bru reflecto [ATTACH=CONFIG]83686[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]83687[/ATTACH]
  12. deep detail cheers:thumbleft: aye lot of hours prep then machine polishing to get the depth of shine. I can have shave in it lol
  13. heat treatment then uv protector should last longtime
  14. is it painted or plastic ? if its plastic paint heat gun it bring the oils in the plastic to the top again and back to new also will take scratches out as the plastic mould have a memory just dont go to close
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