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Posts posted by pellzzr

  1. What is the most you can look to squeeze out of a g60 lump? got around £2-£2.5 to spend on sourcing a good lump and then the rest on tuning (unless someone wants to sell me their tuned lump) can poss stretch another £1k if worthwhile


    Want to keep it supercharged as the engine is for my mid-engined kit therefore need to keep the power delivery linear. Had looked into a vr6 but too heavy as i want to keep the weight to below 800kgs


    Cheers guys

  2. Has anyone got any experience of this conversion ?, wondering your views on it , if you consider it a job well worth it or is better to look at the 16v conversion offered by Bahn Brenner m/sport.


    Anyone got an idea at the costs of the 2.0 ltr conversion, could not get hold of stealth today.


    Whats your views / thoughts



  3. :D G-60 it is then, how much am i looking at to charge cool ?


    Thanks for the advice, just changed jobs and have lost the old company car so maybe its time to get back into a corrado again, that will please the wife :twisted:


    Will let you know how the project goes




  4. Cheers Henny, just the sort of info i was after, more inclined to go with the G-60 due to it being lighter as well.


    Agree with you on the 20v 1.8 T no character at all, fast but a dull soundtrack.


    Seen a G60 lump on Ebay which seems to have had some good works done it, so might be tempted to have a look at that.


    Any knowledge of the 2.0ltr conversion from Stealth m/r ? , also seen some good stuff on the Bahn Brenner site, 16v conversions and a screw type supercharger which sound superb.


    I will attempt to stick some pocs on the end of this mail



  5. New member to the forum so please be gentle


    I have a mid-engined kit car(Pell Genesis) that is presently powered by a ZZR1100 bike engine, however slowly going deaf and the lack of torque is a pain when not on a track.

    Used to have a G60 many years ago and always loved the engine and this got me thinking.


    I am converting back to car power and the this uses a Audi 80 sport G-Box, now the standard engine is a Mi16 which bolts directly to the Audi box. Thus is a little underpowered for my tastes and am i correct in thinking that the VR6 or G60 units should also fit to the box ? Can anyone help


    And if so what unit is more tunable want around 250 bhp and 220 lbs of torque. With a car engine should weigh in around 775-800 kgs (presently 675kgs, to heavy for a bike powered vehicle)

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