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Everything posted by Saint
This is still for sale. Saint
Replied via email. Thanks Saint
Exactly this. They are great cars but IMO need to be cared for. Remember back what it was like going from a Corrado to a TT, all of the rattles disappeared and the car was tight although not as eventful to drive. I really miss my Corrado but as I only have space for 1 car it has to be a modern daily driver for me.
This forum always helped me to solve the common issues, sometimes you can't beat a good book though. Best thing about the forum is you can see photographs which can be a big help. Saint
Very nice. What's the interior like? Saint
Hey Not been round here for a long time and this is really just a blatant attempt to post 6 messages before I can sell my Bentley manual in the classifieds. Shouldn't have to do this really but thanks to Plusnet instantly killing my email address when I left them I didn't get a chance to update my details on here so all new password requests go to a redundant email address. My old account had a few hundred posts but when I sold my G60 I went over to the TT forum instead. Saint
Hi I've not been here for a few years and have had to register under a new name. Anyway, I have for sale my VW Corrado Bentley manual, it's in good condition with no rips or tears. There may be the odd thumbprint on some pages, I've not seen any but there are hundreds of pages so assume there are. I posted a TT one yesterday (mass Xmas clearout) and it cost me £15 to send. SOLD! Saint [ATTACH=CONFIG]85132[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]85133[/ATTACH]