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About StainlessVR6

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  • Birthday 12/16/1994


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    I Burrows x
  1. Thanks mate will keep you in mind allthough one door card has a leather tear around the handle so will need a new piece in, I may have this repaired before sale. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  2. Does anybody have any? Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  3. Pretty much as the titke suggests here guys, Would anybody be interested in swapping there late style leather door cards for early style leathers? I have recently found a leather interior for my car but it comes with the early door cards and as I have a late spec corrado I am looking to change these. Perhaps a little cash your way or may be able to throw something in to sweeten the deal. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  4. Is there a difference between handles? As i have late cloth cards in at the moment so was going to swap out my handles into them does that work? Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  5. Hi all, Pretty much as the title suggests, Does anybody know if you can fit 'Mk1' doorcards into a 'mk2' Rado? Jut wondering as I have finally found a leather interior for my car but it has old door cards eith the window swich in the card its self, Thanks! Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  6. Hey mate my email is The.burrows@hotmail.co.uk if you could email me about the fogs please.


  7. Hey VEEDUBBED, Thanks for your reply, Where are you located? Thanks Mod edit: Email addy removed. Please communicate via PM- not a good idea to freely advertise your email address.
  8. Does anybody have a set of RHD inpro headlights and fogs for sale? I allready have the indicators. If you have some please get in touch and tell me your location and your price, prefferabley UK
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