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David van Gemert

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About David van Gemert

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  • Birthday 05/07/1980


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  1. I would wanna buy some off then to if you are going to reproduce them . still hoping to get the door seal to get reproduced to . so lett me know if you get them . greetings david from the Netherlands .
  2. hi what will it cost me to buy a set from you and send it to the Netherlands ? hope to her from you soon
  3. if you have a new one and wanna sell it im looking for the passenger side to . im dutch so the passengerside will be if your in front of the car on the right side . please contact me david_gemert@hotmail.com and we can make a deal . thanks for the help greetings from the Netherlands:geek:
  4. veedubbed thanks for the help . do you know if this would fit my corrado ? http://www.artaparts.nl/volkswagen-volkswagen-golf-2-onderdelen/403/ cause the price sure looks good to me . doing a complete restauration so i wanna do it good but have to watch what im spending lol need lots off goodies for my car
  5. hello i hope someone on here can help me . I drive a vw corrado 2.0 16 valve with an automatic gear transmission . My car got to hot so i checked the radiator wich was leaking so i checked for a new one . And what do i see the on that was fitted was to small for my car . So i guess that was why it would run hot . it says you need the bigger one if you drive with a automatic transmission or have ac on it . Is this true ? Does anyone know wich kind of radiator i can put in wich is a good price ? Can i maybe swap it with a vr6 radiator from a golf cause i know someone who has one . Is there anyone who has picture from the radiator and its housing . any help would be appreciated . Greetings from the netherland:cool:s
  6. if anyone happens to find one more i would love to get one to am redoing the complete corrado and been missing the left side to . thanks
  7. im also looking for the bootseal did anyone find that one yet . hope anyone can help me with it . thanks for the doorseal number by the way
  8. could this be the bonnetrubber ? check the link http://www.sealsdirect.co.uk/pdf/ETS59DR.pdf hope someone can help me with this . greetings david
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