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Everything posted by GAZZA GREY MAN

  1. awrite saw.you are slaggin off ma honda but ma golf gti pissed all over ure slow raddo,and if you wanna get nasty at least i dont buy 2 cars stuck the getha. so your gona try slag off ma gti next aint ya?or ma 1.3 golfs eh?go on.at least ma boring old man car doesnt brake down,and like all old men cars i have the grey hair to go.i will have a dub again soon and as usual it will be better and faster than yours.. :lol: thread de-capped-again-vr6storm............please can you switch off yer caps-lock :wink: as on the site its the equivilent of SHOUTING......which isn't very nice :wink:
  2. right you cheeky sod.i try my damdest to get you a boss kit and come trough,and your taking the p*** out ma grey bonce.gona cost you extra. :lol:
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