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Everything posted by david_g60

  1. hey, thank you but the first owner unfortunately caused a lot of bumps and scratches. The car must to be completly painted. The interior with electric recaros is for that in top condition. I can only repair and tune Megasquirt ECU. Here in Germany is it most expensiv to tune the car with the Digifant. Old technic needs special Software and this make an expensiv price. And when the digifant is damage no one can repair. Thats why i am using the Megasquirt over 10 years... first in Polo G40, then G40 Turbo and now the corrado. And i build the the megasquirt alwaýs plugable for the correct harness loom
  2. Hey, I have already tune some KDFI's. I am not convinced of the plug n play version. I like the universal version better. However, I build the UMC (also on Megasquirt basis like the KDFI) directly into an old housing with Bluetooth connection. Practically directly to the needs of the user / car Greetz, david
  3. Hello, i'm david from west germany (near cologne) and drive an original 1992 corrado G60. The exhaust is modifacated and the ECU ist replace by Megasquirt derivate in the original case. [ATTACH=CONFIG]95209[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]95210[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]95211[/ATTACH] Have Fun Greets David
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