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About ladron03

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  • Birthday 05/03/1985


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  1. i did but i couldn't find any website or anything. do they have one and were are they located.
  2. Does anyone know a good company or place were i can get my G-ladder re-built, and maybe even a price quote so i know exactly how much it is going to cost..
  3. So do i just order it from sns, like what stage do i get and were do i get the pulley??
  4. i have a Stock 1990 G60 and i plan on increasing my Hp and my Torque and i am not sure where i should go or what is the first thing i should do. I have been looking at chips and Intakes; but i am not sure what actually is good. I have seen the Autothority chip and it seems alot better than the Neuspeed one but i autothority doesn't have as much credibility as neuspeed. Help. thanks
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