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Everything posted by mhoult

  1. The car has gone. I escorted him to Barclays and they wrote the cheque in front of me and it is guarenteed payment as the money came straight out of his account. Thanks for all the replies.
  2. I have been informed that his bank can write a cheque which they guarentee and take the money straight from his account. so his name does not appear on the cheque. Anyone heard of this?
  3. How can you check the cheque is cleared if someone has travelled 4 hours to view the car? As for forgeries any tips on checking BS cheques. The guy has mentioned a Barclays cheque made out to me, I don't bank with them, so surel he can take the car then cancel the cheque? Thanks
  4. Have got a few people coming to look at my VR6 and wondered what forms of payment should I accept? Cash is fine, what about bank cheques etc? Cheers Mark
  5. It is a crimped connection, you can see it once you pull back the protective outer pipe. I'll check my fluid levels tonight. Do you have any illustrations of the power stearing system? Thanks.
  6. Spotted a small patch of oil under the car, cleaned up the oil I could see and found it was coming from a metal oil? pipe located at the front of the car under the radiator area, seems to be leaking at the metal/rubber junction just before it dissappears towards the battery. What is this pipe? where does it terminate? Thanks
  7. I have a fault flagging up stating: 00540 - Knock Sensor 2 (G66) 31-10 - Open or Short to Ground - Intermittent To check it is the one at the front of the engine i disconnected it and ran vag-com with the engine running. No faults were found. I did the same with the rear one with the same result. The water temp was 85 so the sensors should be active. Can anyone explain this? Can you access the direct reading of the sensor from vag-com? Thanks
  8. mhoult

    knock sensor

    Can anyone tell me where it is fitted?
  9. mhoult

    knock sensor

    vag-com if flagging up a intermittent short/open to ground on knock sensor 2 (G66 i think). I have tried to order a knock sensor but they are telling me it could be one of two. Both are coloured. Can anyone let me know the vw part number or the colour on my 1995 'N' VR6. Thanks
  10. I agreed with you moving it to general. I was getting narked with you saying it would be on its way again to the ebay thread (why I'm not selling yet) or to misc (misc and general mean the same to me). If people thought it was worth £3.5k then that is what I would expect. I have never seen your car so how would I know how it looks? If you notice one of the posts on my thread it says the best thing I could have done was keep it standard. Other people in the for sale forum have said put the speedlines on and you'll get more money, hence the 'put your car back to standard' line. I think I'll leave this now and just be a humble observer on this forum.
  11. try the for sale forum. offering some standard speedlines and got nothing but grief, one post the man called vr6 joined in. The only time you have appeared on my post it is to move or demand, don't you have an opinion? I a just after a realistic opinion on price, you should be better than any to give this. If it was posted by mistake in for sale, the the forum it should be in is general. Why move it to ebay if I want people to judge after the photo's are seen. This is a good forum with valued information. I was just after some know how to help me make a decision.
  12. I have had two people advise on price before the pictures were submittet. You in a rush? You slate my speedlines now try to diss me when asking for advice The post has been live for hours,moved once, chill lad. Try to be constuctive, after all you wear the badge of a mod.
  13. One more. So you think it is worth £5500?
  14. more pictures available if wanted.
  15. I will post pictures tomorrow when I have my laptop with me.
  16. Thinking of selling my car. It has full black leather, it is silver, 98k on the clock, service history, the car is standard and mint, just has one ping which can only be seen in the right light looking down the side of the car. MP3 player, near new tyres, all electrics work, clear VAG-COM etc...... I need to know what it is worth. Thanks.
  17. Too much stella makes me look like a COCK :x At the rate that this forum and ebay is going then a corrado is being broken every week, so a few thousand weeks and we have a sought after rarety.
  18. Were all corrados built in the us then? If so the storms were built over there then modified here?
  19. This forum does state that a few were registered after the N plate to sell off the last few. I realy just wanted to know how many N plates the same as mine were about, and how many were sold in the uk in total. Cheers
  20. How many corrado's are there in the uk? More specifically how many were made during the last year - N plate. Thanks
  21. mhoult

    bently manual

    Search the folder where bentey was installed on the C drive and find symcjit.dll rename the file symcjit.old I would uninstall the software first as messing around with emulation etc can stop the above 'fix' working. This should work.
  22. Sorted, it was the pipe from the block to the heater matrix in the car. It had split around the back out of sight hence the coolant was being sprayed towards the front of the car and emerging on the inlet and near the injector rail. Thanks for the help. :D
  23. The coolant is coming out of the top front RHS (when viewed from the front of the car) I am unable to post a pic at the mo as I am getting a broken pipe error??? So on the previous picture the arrow wants moving down.
  24. crew will be better than the night peeps. Too much special brew me thinks :roll: There must be a lot of you that have taken pics of your shrek :D install. C owner for 2 weeks and feeling alone!
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