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Posts posted by Jonboy

  1. Help please!! My 2.0 16V and I are going through a very bad time at the moment. When driving along (generally on Motorways) there is a very sudden loss of power, zip nothing there at all, rev counter hits 0 and initially this would last a few microseconds and power and Revs would be straight back up, now the problem persists to either a second or two or a full few minutes. I WISH whatever it was that was going would break as the garage I take it too says "if it aint broke I can't fix it". Needless to say driving is very unenjoyable as I'm on tender hooks as to when it will break down again. I've had a new imobiliser relay fitted as well as a new ignition switch. People have suggested a failing earth lead. Do any of you know a good electrician who is familiar with our kind of cars in west london (Twickenham, Egham, Staines, Sunbury ect ect)

  2. Thanks Andi, I've just had the ignition switch replaced and the problem persists so I'm guessing the failing earth lead could be the cause. I've had an electrician look over the car when it wouldn't start and he first put in a new ignition switch and then relay on the imobiliser!

  3. Dear All, whilst cruising at 4000 +/- rpm in my M reg 2.0 16V Corrado I've noticed that the once in a while the revs cut out and the rev counter shoots to 0, power disappears and then a second or two later they jump back to where they were and all returns to normal? Any suggestions on whether this is a fuel block or loose connection? :?:

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