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Posts posted by SilverG60

  1. What have I done..!! recently brought a G60 on a J plate with 60k on the clock, spent £2.5K on the car and another 2K having the G-lader and other bits and pieces done and still got a few more jobs to do, including a new stainless sysyem this weekend, sunroof runners and ball jooints "what fun" I have recently found out that the horn does'nt work either, took the grill off and there appears to be 2 connectors, one of which is connected to the horn and the other is hanging loose, any ideas where I shoudl stick it " apart from in the skip with the rest of the car, which I would do but I love my G60 really....its the drive you know...!!!???

  2. I'm looking to have the supercharger on my G60 overhauled and considering a stage 4 rebuild by Jabbasport. Has anyone had any work done by Jabbasport if so how did it go, were the results impressive, was the service ok..??

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