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Posts posted by 'Rado

  1. Yes but Audi's own QS had the Audi 80 Windscreen and corresponding A pillars which are far steeper in rake than the Dialynx/Quattro version - next time you see a Dialynx version have a look in comparison.



  2. Well as far as im concerned there is no difference to any other OBD2 VR lump but there are rumours that they ran a slightly different 'map' as the ecu numbers are reportedly different....

    From experience a good OBD2 Golf VR pushes close on 190bhp stock - the OBD1's seem to be around the high 170-low 180 mark by comparison.


    Couple of other things different to the Highlines are:-


    Rear Hatch badge is smooth rather than raised type like stock VR6.

    Colour coded rear hatch spoiler.


    Pic of mine:-



  3. Well its great to see alot of tainted facts about the Fiat Coupe abounding on the forum.....

    Firstly i sold my Missus Corrado G60 on Saturday as i bought her one of the terribly unreliable Fiat Coupe's a couple of months back :roll: ...

    Firstly the £1000+ cambelt change is a load of Harry Rolocks now - Fiat Specialists will do the job in approx 3-4 hours and thats including doing the water pump and auxilary belt without removing the engine for approx £350 - far less than the cost of doing the chains on a VR6 say but no one criticises VW for using chains and tensioners made of butter :roll: :!:

    As for unreliablity - sure Fiat have a bit of a reputation for some terrible build quality and quite rightly so - but the COupe was assembled by Pinifarina and id like to think it was screwed together a bit better than the average Fiat.

    Her car has no rattles whatsoever - everything works as it should and the car feels really solid and thats from me who wouldn't touch another Fiat with a barge pole as i hate everything else they make/have made in the last decade.

    As for terrible handling - what a load of crap - for sure it doesnt have the agility of the Corrado but its pretty damn good with a very quick steering rack and very pointy front end - coupled with a set of Eibachs and some decent rubber they are great fun...

    For sure they are not to everyones taste but i think they look great - not many on the road and in my mind far better value than the Corrado in current market conditions.

    Performance is stonking on the 20VT and for £35 you can get a custom chip to take you to 260-270bhp and beyond 8) .

    So my summary is a great car and great value at the moment - go in with your eyes wide open and get some advice from the Fiat Coupe forum and your onto a winner - and thats from someone that has been into VW for over 14 years and has driven both Corrado and Fiat Coupe - something that alot of people with opinions in this thread havent no doubt :?: :!:



  4. Never noticed this thread, I live near eastbourne in east sussex and roll around in my dark blue vr6 :) must come and meet you guys soon


    Jay - yours wouldnt happen to be M reg with a debadged grille would it :?:



  5. As i said earlier - glad your ok mate - thats the main thing :wink:

    Plenty of us have made mistakes in the past and luckily got away with it - you were unlucky today and unfortunately with winter looming road conditions are crap and the margin for error is that much closer and was probalby a big factor in your off...

    Im sure you will get plenty of interest in bits if you do decide to buy it back and break it :lol:



  6. That looks a mess!


    I hate to say it, but it looks like you *were* going too fast.....


    Have to agree here.....

    But the main thing is you got out unaided and are hopefully feeing ok :?

    Looks like the Corrado is past the point of no return though - time to look for another.

    I also notice your car is running on P6000's which in my experience have crap wet road grip - probably didnt help.



  7. Well it looks like an R-plate so itll be an Evo then 8) - they look like Schnitzer reps to me....

    Lovely car - dont care what people say about the image - id have one at the drop of the hat - im not interested in other peoples misguided opinions - i like driving cars and an M3 Evo aint a bad drive at all :lol:



  8. Ford, just go through adrian flux...the schrick added no extra to my insurance! £1100 before schrick...£1100 after schrick and exhaust and suspension etc..


    but there is no way i would supercharge the corrado... not worth putting more money into the car IMO. its only 2wd remember.. s3 is 4wd so can handle bigger power...i.e the 260 bhp i have planned :lol: how it is now is fine.


    dr_mat, its not that it isnt my thing...i like the car alot... but like the idea of an S3 even more


    Who said fitting a blower to a Vr6 made it an unruly beast :?:

    Have you driven one :?: - plenty of FWD cars out there pushing this sort of power through the front wheels with no adverse affects - for sure in the wet you would have ot use a degree of care - same as in most cars but the noise and driveability would more than make up for the monor shortcoming.

    Also dont forget being centrifugal supercharged means a very gentle boost transition - no sudden hit of torque to unsettle the front wheels - its just like having a bigger n/a engine up front :lol: - which is nice :!:



  9. Unfortuantely just shows you how good the design of the Corrado is comparingthe two side by side - although the Corrado is 16 years young it still looks more special and coherant than the 'orrible looking Scoob :wink:

    Dont get me wrong - i thin kfor the money the WRX is a great car - shame it looks the way it does though...

    As for perfomance i wouldnt have thought there would be that much in it :?: - 265ps through a 4wd transmission will equate to around 200 at the wheels on a good day - a decent VR6 Corrado should be around 160 at the wheels and is alot lighter overall...

    Good luck in whatever you choose 8)



  10. Help chaps - just off to my local VW factors to get a new fan switch and thermostat.

    The question is - is the fan switch for a 92 Corrado G60 the three pins in a line switch or the staggered pinned one??

    Any quick answers greatfully accepted!!

    The rado isnt on the driveaay at the mo. and the factors close soon for the weekend :lol:


    Cheers Pete.

  11. I can sit at 80mph in my Golf Vr6 highline with ZR2 charger and get around 32mpg.....

    Not difficult to do especially if you plan ahead and dont get bogged down by slower traffic forcing you to accelerate upto speed again :wink:

  12. Depends wheter or not it was traffic police or regular panda car plod.....

    Tbh most Panda plods wouldnt want to get involved - if either party had suffered injury it might well have been a different matter.

    Another point of interest is that my Father was in the Met Police for 15 years and was class 1 trained - he taught me to drive many years ago and warned me about overtaking across a junction.

    Also lets be honest how many times have you looked right and inched out of a junction before looking left - either from complaicency or the fact that you cant see until youve inched out....................



  13. No cat doesnt always mean a mot fail on emissions in that the car may still pass the emissions test without the cat fitted and be perfectly legal.

    Cats were fitted to cars to help bring emissions down - modern management systems can sometimes manage this on there own 8)

  14. I find it very hard to believe someone would knowingly buy a car that was damaged repaired and not have it hpi'd or get proof of hpi/autoalign from the repairers themselves - very strange....

    In denial me thinks :x

    According to DVLA's records he's only owned it since June 2004 - why is he selling it so soon :lol:



  15. There's a nice Dark metallic blue VR6 round my way - near Brede that i had a good rumble with in my VR6 Golf on the way back from Gti Festival....

    Dont think he was particularly happy that i was closing in on him through 3rd and 4th :lol:



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