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Posts posted by 2nd2a_corrado

  1. other half is 24 and pays £1000 insuring his vr6, with HIC. They won't let him put me on the policy tho, i'm 20 and as a girl should be ok...? damn them!


    It could be that other half just doesn't want me driving his baby tho..! :( Evil man - ive track driven a supercharged elise and f355 damn it... :twisted:


    I'll get my hands on the rado some day!!! :wink:

  2. what are the largest size alloys you can fit on a rado? 17''s? 18''s?

    also how much could i expect to get for the set of 15'' multi-thin spoke fox racing alloys that its currently wearing?


  3. tried 3 garages and no-one knows, so...


    persistant high pitched squeaking gerbil noises from a vr6 rado engine, doesn't seem to be related to engine temperature, worse in the damp and squeals higher with revs, not speed. any ideas?!


    thank you!

  4. :)

    Hello! I'm new here, on a bit of a mission to find a new garage for my man's modified corrado vr6. He's been taking it to a very reputable vw/audi performance specialist since he bought it. But they messed up badly while giving him new discs which led to brake failure on the m6 and the again when fixing that problem causing a wheel to fall off... :cry: the little lady is not happy at the moment.


    So, he needs to find a new, corrado friendly garage not too far away from chester, anyone got any bright ideas?


    Thank you!!!

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