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polish pawel

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About polish pawel

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  • Interests
    sport and cars


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  1. Thanks dave, I have been counting the days until I am in the position to buy one (2529 to be precise)...a very unsensible car for very sensible money. Indeed this is not an event and I realised my school boy error very shortly after posting, thanks for repositioning me...if you see what I mean. And thanks to those of you who have helped me out already, a very warm welcome I have received too :D . Paul.
  2. I have just started to look into buying a VR6 (see Corrado Virgin, below) and I have apent a couple of hours sifting throught the forum for info on VR6's and soing some research on what to be looking out for and all the info is great. What I can't find is anything to useful on prices, my wich list would be, dark colour, late model with leather interior, as close to original as poss, in good cond serv history etc. (Mileage not so important if it has been owned by someone who knows how to look after the thing.) The auto trader is no help prices range from 2k to 8500k(!!!!!!!!!!!!), could someone help me out, thanks.
  3. Hey. I will shortly be getting a real job after years of training and with a real job means real money and with real money I can buy a real car. This being a VR6 corrado... I appriciate that these are as rare as the proverbial rocking horse do do, but this is what I will have. I am after hints tip and general information about, how to and where to buy one as well as what to look out for by way of problems and issues with ragged examples as well as general problems that these cars may or may not have and what sort of money I should be paying. My wish list would include a dark colour late model un-modified VR6. I am sure most of you are having a chuckle at the absurdity of my requests, but hope you will be able to help me out with info about the car
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