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About NVmyVW

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  • Birthday 10/03/1983
  1. yeah theres something to be said for big business, they get stuff done cheap. i think for now ill make a few of these from the mold and see where we can go from there.
  2. Found it http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... &start=345 so you were going to get them for the equivelent of 50 USD? jesus H! i could probably make 50-100, and significantly reduce the price. well, we'll see how it goes
  3. Somewhere in the 250 USD range. That sound about right? any one got a link to the other thread?
  4. Damn. well i guess i could make another mold if there is enough interest, 10+ people
  5. i had not thought of that, are the UK wipers reversed since the driver is?
  6. thanks :D if i can get enough interest i can bulk ship a bunch of them to your neck of the woods 8)
  7. Thanks for the props, am getting ready to make a mold. should have something to show for the work in a couple days :twisted:
  8. Yeah ive been trolling this forum for a while. figured this would be a good first thread :) WELL i will be making a mold of these, like i did with the windsheild wiper piece, so ill have a few of them, and if there is enough interest i could send a few over to the other side of the pond 8) Thanks for all the compliments -Charlie
  9. Been getting into fiberglass pretty heavy lately, making molds and such. So much that im almsot used to the itch... no not that itch, ive got creme for that. its a perfect replica of the crap stock plastic pieces, but its one piece and seamless and these are the next projects, cowl cover and sub box. and a picture of a bumper that i did
  10. Russ just get a blingin PS reservoir and coolant tank. oh polish up that valve cover Foo! :albino:
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