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Everything posted by AS-TECHNiK

  1. Right,,,,back to the point of this topic, There is nothing stopping you from performing the conversion to mk3 loom. to make your life easier it would be far easier to have a donor mk3 valver to enable you to just simply transfer everything you need. I think this will also include the ignition barrel which forms part of the immobiliser circuit (i believe). Personally for the cost and hassle i definitly wouldnt bother. Think long term! Go Megasquirt. http://www.megasquirt.info Unless u can get the mk3 stuff for free, for the cost of a Megasquirt you could easily ditch the K-jet and ignition control module and have a fully mappable standalone system on the car that you can tune to suit any future modifications (including Turbocharging). This way you can put an end to any arguing ive seen here and know that at some point you will be able to have 200hp with your 9A.
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