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Everything posted by lexxuss

  1. thanx for all the replies :thumbleft: , sorry havnt responded till now jus got back from work. will deff try the basic settings procedure as the ecu has been reset after i replaced the hall sender and o2 sensor. have checked vag and got no error codes and have tried adjusting the throttle dashpot which helped but didnt cure it. hopefuly i will hear that vr6 sweetness after doing basic settings. . .
  2. well tbh i was seeing if the cutting out was speed dependent and it is. car never cuts out at low speed or pulling up to junctions like ive heard others do, its just at higher speeds.
  3. hello all, my vr scared the nuts off me today, i was crusing along m/way @ 70 and decided to coast it as i was going downhill. dipped the clutch in and the revs dropped to about 500 then cut out. :shock: i quickly bumped it off in 5th and carryed on driving. when i got off the m/way i tried it at 40mph and car idled fine. have tried this at different speeds and it seems that if im doing anything more than 60mph the car will not idle when i dip the clutch. :roll: apart from that the car seems to runs fine. any ideas guys, isv perhaps.
  4. cheers BOJMOBILE sounds logical, guess its just me looking for problems. just sorted out a list of problems so hopefully its normal thanx again. :thumb right:
  5. hello all, need someone to set me straight on whether something is wrong or not. when im at idle my mpg figures keep dropping, when i set off they rise as normal but every time i stop they drop slowly is it me or is this normal. 95 VR6.
  6. thanx for the reply andy that helps me a bit, got a bently on the way so hopefuly i'll be able to find a full wirng diagram in there.
  7. ANDY. just out of interest what wire was it and where did it go, ive got a similar problem all the wire have been cut for some reason. . . . .
  8. hi all, On a 95 vr6 can any one tell me where the wires to the lambda probe go on the engine side of the connector, looks like its been attacked by a cowboy and left in a complete mess. none of the wires are connected to the connector so im starting from scratch. :( these are the wires i have >red/white wire >brown wire >white wire >black wire >yellow wire ps. the black wire has been grounded at the engine mount not sure if its supposed to be there though. :?:
  9. lexxuss


    thanx for that part no. will check it out tomorrow
  10. lexxuss


    Much appreciated guys will try GPC as i dont fancy giving vw 40 quid for an easy 30 min job.
  11. lexxuss


    its a vr6 m reg by the way
  12. lexxuss


    Hello all, Im having trouble finding a tool to remove and fit my new ht leads. tried vw but apparently they are not avaliable for sale, they only supply their workshops with them (typical vw) :x . i also tried gsf and ecp but no joy their any suggestions. . . . . . . . .
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