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About phantommaggot

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  1. the peice that runs up the cable.. people on other vw forums have told me this is a common flaw in these cars and that if you can find a schematic for it one can be machined that will never break... and i found a tutorial for a quick fix but i dont know exatly what/ where the person is saying to hook the little peice of metal... ( link below ) http://www.corrado-club.com/faq/detail_faq.CFM?FAQID=60 if not i guess ill spend the $ but any help is very much appreciated... josh
  2. ok im new to the corrado world. just got my first ( 90 g60 U.S. spec ) i havent had it a week and my passanger window went bad... i know that its a plastic peice on the window regulator and that VW will charge me something rediculious to put it all back in with the same plastic part... so what i want to know is if anyone knows of a good quick fix or has a schematic so that i can have it machined out of something better... thanks for any help you may be able to give -josh o and i searched and just got something about a different regulator fitting.... :?
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