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About Stroller

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  1. This has probably been asked before, but what is the best polish to use to do a really good valet job? I have heard that Meguiar's Classic Gold is the best. If so, where is the cheapest place to source this from? Ebay? Thanks
  2. Hi zerocool, Have you still got any of the HT removal tools left? If so, can you put me down for one please? Thanks
  3. Hi, Does anyone know where I can get hold of an HT Lead Removal Tool for my VR6? I believe it's made by Hazet, Part Number 1849-6. Thanks!!
  4. Is there a list of recommended Bodyshops in the South anywhere? I am prepared to travel for a really good one, but south of the Thames would be ideal! I have a couple of suggestions already, but I am sure there is more information on this somewhere!! Thanks
  5. Sounds great; Can you give me the details!? Thanks
  6. Cambridge is possible, but really looking for somewhere south of the Thames?
  7. Hi Guys, I have one or two pieces of body repairs that need to be carried out on my Corrado. I am based in the Surrey/South London area, but prepared to travel for a really good recommendation. Any suggestions? Thanks!!
  8. Thanks. just checked the lock, and it actually has to be in the horizontal position. All is fine now!
  9. When I operate the Central Locking on the Corrado using the key on the driver's door, the boot remains locked and can only be opened by using the key on it independently. I am sure that this did not use to happen, the central locking operating the boot as well. Can some kind person help me out please? Thanks!
  10. OK, eventually got the jump start onto the battery terminals. It seems a very tight squeeze in the battery area. Left the car for fifteen minutes. The Alarm is now working, and I am getting ignition lights, but the engine isn't even turning over. All I am getting is a clicking sound. I have left the jump start on. Would it best to connect direct to the battery to ensure a better charge? What next? Thank You
  11. Thanks Gavin. How long should I leave the jump starter connected before I start up? Stroller
  12. Also, what about the Clifford Alarm that is on the car? Will a jump start damage this? Thanks Stroller
  13. Thanks for all your help guys, I am now in the car. With regard to starting the car, can I use the Clarke Jump Start 900 that I have, or might that damage the electrics? Thanks Stroller
  14. Thanks Gavin, Yes it is freezing down here and the car has been standing a while. I will try that tomorrow! Stroller
  15. OK......I have the right key, and I can't get in through any of the doors. Anybody got any constructive ideas as to what I do next, please!? Thank You Stroller
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