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About dav

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    IT Support
  1. dav


    I owned that car years ago, I think about 2004 and I have been looking for it ever since. I sold it to a bloke who then managed to screw it up then sold it to a guy up north (I'm in London)

    Please let me know if you decide to sell it.


    Dav 07957252546

  2. dav

    Aux water pump

    Thanks for the offer mate I really need the complet set up Dav
  3. dav

    Aux water pump

    Thanks mate will have a butchers, All the VR's i have seen have been striped clean Dav
  4. dav

    Aux water pump

    Hi I'm after the complete aux water pump system for a project I'm working on Including the wiring, relays and sensors Thanks Dav.
  5. Hello mate do you have the Aux water pump ?
  6. dav


    Thanks Steve yep the rear is standard and the gearbox mount is the tdi one (heavy duty?) it was a proper pain to change though i had to remove the bracket. do you knoe the torque setting? Thanks Dav.
  7. dav


    Hello Just done a load of work on my VR amongst the things I changed was the rear engine mount. Plus points: I have greatly reduced engine movement Negative points: seem to have a lot more vibration now? I have a VT front mount fitted already but I remember there being some kind of trick like letting the engine idle for a while with out the mount nuts tightened up the let them settle in? True???? Thanks Dav
  8. Cool Just use a sharp chisel, should come off clean
  9. Check this out: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... highlight=
  10. dav

    Forged pistons

    Engine is being put togeather, thanks for your help. Dav.
  11. dav

    Forged pistons

    May have to rethink the raceware, the s3 internals were supposed to be strong enough, but one banana rod later...
  12. dav

    Forged pistons

    Nope not for a VR, J.E direct replacement forged pistons for a BAM (s2) engine, Pauter Rods and Race Ware fasteners. Best get the block checked by a machine shop to make sure, even though the honing looks like new…
  13. dav

    Forged pistons

    The thrust side is still showing all the original honing marks. The engine was form and S2 and it bent a conrod after fitting a larger turbo, thus the move to forged internals. Thanks for the info.
  14. dav

    Forged pistons

    Thanks chaps The bores still has all the honing marks and is in good condition, so do you think it will still need re-honing when fitting the forged pistons?
  15. dav

    Forged pistons

    Thanks Just the same as you would any nornal rings?
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