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About G60JP

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  • Birthday 03/10/1981


  • Location
    East Sussex
  1. Just been reading through. I got a G60 Jetta with a 2.0l south African import 1990 jetta box innit. very low ratio, not sure what. 1st is crap, but because its so short you dont get a lot of spin, 2nd 3rd goes well, 4th hits the limiter at 100 on the dot and tops out at 123 or there abouts. Done a 15.4 1/4 mile, which i think is respectable with a standard engine. The trouble I have is its started to hisssssss all the time its rolling in and out of gear. not sure whether to fix it or risk another box. (can't see myself picking up another S-A import.) Any suggestions would be appreciated. Cheers G60JP.
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