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About sssgucci

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    Pretty girls and overtaking supposedly fast VW's!


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  1. I think this thread is going to be a difficult one for me....... :afro:
  2. They are unreliable full stop. Whats the point of strapping a stage 5 anything when you drive 3 m and the thing blows up! :lol: One of reasons why people drive vw's are that they are built well and are reliable. Neither of these things is the Fiat. Why downgrade? Corrado reliable? Do you own one? If yours is reliable then I welcome a unique owner to the forums :lol: I thought I should point out also that I was actually using humour in the above post, I thank you. No I havent owned a corrado (hope to one day) but I have owned lots of VAG cars. My uncle had lots of fiats. Disgraceful cars.
  3. They are unreliable full stop. Whats the point of strapping a stage 5 anything when you drive 3 m and the thing blows up! :lol: One of reasons why people drive vw's are that they are built well and are reliable. Neither of these things is the Fiat. Why downgrade?
  4. THATS THE 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry caps, bar the mirrors.
  5. dont get a fiat turbo. A real bag of sh*t! They drive fast for 10 mins but then break down and fall apart. Get the Bmw diesel.
  6. There is another silver one. It's nicer than that one. I am sure it was in pvw.
  7. Would be a dream corrado matey but Im poor atm :cry: I need to do a few things first, finish the polo. In two minds to change the tt for a grey one with baseball interior. when I do decidde to go for one I will prob buy a modified one and then do my alterations. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.
  8. Not sure matey, maybe he has changed the rims? You need to get some pics up!!!
  9. Hi, Not sure if my post counts but I get stared at when I blast past vr6 corrados in my "cl Polo" :wink:
  10. Hi, Negative, but I want to get one one day. when I can afford one I will get one. Got an audi and a polo atm.
  11. That is my favourite corrado too along with that silver one. I am not sure what pvw issue it was on but it was silver with polished up porsche wheels and chrome galore! Pretty sure it was turbo'ed too.
  12. Hi all, Just joined up. Been reading for a while but never signed up. Anyway, hi all. :)
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