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About corradogang*

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  1. This is why I was thinking of an r32 transplant, do these have the same design flaws as the vr6? Perhaps the golf gti engine would be the way to go (as soon as some become available anyways) or even the dull sounding 1.8t any other thoughts on cost ? viabilty?
  2. I know what your saying save the rest for a rainy day etc but i'd like the car to actualy work as i'm sure most vr owners will testifiy 12 year+ vr's just don't work. What I was thinking is why spend the money replacing bit by bit when you could do all at once (in therory anyways ) at consideorably less expence (in the long term
  3. What I was thinking realy, don't have much confidence in corrado's as things breaking are concerned :( :(
  4. as above I used to have and I just fell in love with it and TBH regardless of cost there is not much on the road i'd rather drive. I have a buget of 12k+ to play with to buy one, sort the suspension and have a r32 transplant , am I just wasting my money or what?Can this be done >? the reason i made this post is that hopfully the longer term owners could give some sort of estimate on running costs as they are all getting on a bit now.Also I will barley be able to afford any repairs once this moyey is commited
  5. Absaloutley spot on an absalout bastad to get t get it handling like it did out the factoryyou should expect to replace just about everything mechanical at some stage :)
  6. + what exactley? So they wanted 5k just to fit the engine?
  7. Were's that from mate? JBS said that it was a lot because they fit it like its been fit the factory ie they have used all the relavant electrics
  8. spoke to jbs autos .. say that they'll fit an r32 block in a corrado for 7k+vat with a factory level of finish don't know what they'd include for that though?
  9. How do you mean a lot of stuff has to changed to vr spec to work properley? how reliable is a tuned r32 as i've heard that the 20 valve is more the more relaible out the two?
  10. Noticed qhat vr6 says he can't fit the rear anti roll bar because of 4wd is this still the case?
  11. How about the R32 does anyone have a clue how reliable they are? HAs anyone had 20v turbo put in .. ? would be interensting to know what the difference is as far as handling goes?
  12. As above thinking of getting a corrado again and having an engine tranplant form JBS auto designs i know the v6 has the soul but which would be the way to go?Has anyone got any experiances relavant? I noticed in pvw there is a corrado 20v running some very fast times for fwd car.. what sort of power has this corrado got ? From what people say the 20v is the way to go for big power AND reliablity but obviously 270bhp is going to be enough in a raddo right?
  13. thinking of buying one and tranplanting a ctr engine (if it can be done) as they are very compact, reliable, potenialy very powerfull. just trying to gauge waht aort of weight it would be ie how much does a corrado 2.0 weigh?
  14. I hav'nt got one anymore thinking of buying one again.
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