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Posts posted by Mamps

  1. Hi All

    Unfortunately, the time has come for me to reluctantly say bye to by beloved Corrado.

    I've had the car nearly 20 years and am the 2nd owner.

    I've been working away from home and so have not used the car for the last year or so and so have neglected it

    Really should have sold it a while ago but am quite attached to it. Its now sitting in Barnet, London.

    The engine runs amazingly - even after not being started for a while, connected the battery and its starts with the first turn.

    Its green, has a sun roof (motor works, but one of the side arms has snapped so needs replacing)

    There may be a problem with the clutch as its been sitting for a while - it seems to be stuck intermittently.

    There is no rust on the outside apart from one spot on the rear window.

    The spoiler still works.

    Inside is clean and tidy.

    Has no MOT or tax.

    Would be good for someone who wants a bargain Corrado.

    Anyone interested in taking it off my hands for £500?

    Would like to see it going to someone who would get it back on the road rather than break it. She still has lots of life in her!



  2. So, I checked the side repeater at the w/e and all the wiring looks ok.

    Slid it back and it popped out - sorry, bit of a silly question, but how do i re-seal it??


    So, its not the side repeater. I need to check if the fuse goes when i turn the alarm on.

    If this is the case, then its not likely to be anything to do with the indicator stalks? but is it possible to be a problem with the hazard switch?


    Don't know if its related, but the main beam on the driver side is also not working - the screws on the headlight are rusted and won't budge so i haven't been able to check the bulb on that though.


    Any ideas?

  3. No, haven't touched the rear lights - apart from yesterday when i checked them.

    I think the side repeaters are probably the culprits - especially as i did remove the wheel arch on that side when i replaced the cylinder head and maybe disturbed something along the way.

    Thanks for the advise guys!!


  4. I've recently replaced the cylinder head on my 2L 16V so i went to get my MOT and it failed on headlights dimming when indiators used.

    I drove the car home and when i got there i realised that the indicators wern't working, i then put my hazzards on and something blew and smelt quite bad. Anyway, the relay was buzzing after this, so i replaced the relay and the fuses.

    So, now when i put my left indicators on, all is fine.

    When i put my right ones on, the fuse blows,

    and when i put my hazzards on the fuse blows. Any ideas???


    Oh, and also i don't think my headlights are dimming anymore?!??

  5. Hiya

    Yes, you should get the head bolts too, they are one time use only. They don't come in the gasket set. You can buy head bolt set from gsf.


    i've managed to re-build the head and have put it back onto the block now.

    Not much left to do until its back on the road!!


    Good luck!!

  6. I've started putting the cyclinder head back together and i'm a little worried.

    I'm putting the new valve stem seals in with a socket. I manage to push the seal down enough i think but i'm not sure cos you can't see if the seal is flush to the bottom.

    I have taped the socket with a hammer to push the seal further, but i don't want to damage the seal. In fact one of the seals top rim split when i did that, so i'm a bit nervous now.

    Any tips???

  7. Made really good progress today - gave up on nightmare nut and jacked the car up onto those triangle things and got the 6 exhaust manifold nuts off in about half an hour!! used a wobble extension - was much easier.


    Also got all the valves out of the new head - and the stem seals - didn't have the special 'seal remover' tool either ;-) i got it down to 4 minutes each valve (well, some of them at least!) - thats compressing, getting the collets out, the seats, springs, the stem seals - not bad hey! - well for a beginner?! :-)


    I've been trying to clean carbon off the valves - any tips???

    Then i'll grind in the valves and have the fun job off putting it all back together. Went to halfords today and found the right valve compressor with a built in extension thingy on it.


    What else, oh yeah, got the old head off with not much difficulty - got the 10 bolts off, and lifted it off with ease and with the gasket fully intact - my old head looks really clean actually. Was a bit weird - was sad and glad to see at least 2 of the valves were bent - would have been gutted if we took the head off for no reason, but it was sad to see my baby was injured :-(


    Thanks for all the good advise and for keeping the old moral and motivation up!! and thanks to my technical guru for showing me the way x

  8. Hey Gavin

    I am using a valve spring compressor that fits a 16v, just like the one in your link, but because of the shape of the cylinder head, i need to put a socket extention between the valve and the valve compressor on the collets side. So, getting them out was a bit tricky but getting them back will be impossible that way. Any ideas?? theres probably a specific valve compressor i need to get. I have 2, one it too small and my new one fits but i need to use a socket extension with it.

  9. So, after all the great advice you guys have given me. I've decided to get greasy and have a go at replacing the knackered cylinder head myself - well actually, my mates doing it and i'm the little helper ;-)


    1st job was to get the old cylinder head off - we tried to get the head away from the manifold but got stuck with one nasty nasty bolt that was being a pain to get to and to get off. We even tried drilling it, with the thought that it might split the bolt, but its being really stubborn.


    So, plan B is to take the exhaust manifold off, which is also tricky as you have to get under the car to get the bottom 3 bolts off. Giving them a good soak with some penetrating oil tonight and tomorrow and gonna attempt getting them off on sunday.


    I bought another cylinder head - thanks Randal! and am in the middle of stripping it and cleaning it.


    I've got 12 of the 16 valves out - was quite tricky getting the collets out through a socket extention. Am a bit worried as to how i'm gonna get them back in... any ideas??? what i need is a socket extention with a quarter cut out of it i think?!? is there such a thing i can just buy?


    Any advise would be much apprieciated and any fore-warnings to things looming up....


    Also, I got most of my things from gsfcarparts, but i'm now thinking i should get some of the stuff from vw.

    head gasket set? or at least the head gasket?

    head bolts?

    valve seals?



  10. i don't think i can afford to get another head.


    So, how much do you reckon it will cost me to get fixed?

    I don't think its worth spending 800 pounds on it.


    Does anyone know how much the engineering shop will charge to do the valves?


    i still don't know if its worth just getting the timing belt changed first.

    i'll try to get a cylinder leakage test done first.

  11. Hi Gavin


    I have a 2L 16valve Corrado.


    So, if i ask the garage to do a cylinder leakage test, would they know what i'm talking about? and really, they should have suggested that before. I'm not liking the garage anymore.


    So, just spoke to the garage. They said for 800, they would put new valves, new head gasket?? (do they need to do this aswell?) and new timing belt kit.


    I think i may pick the keys off them at the w/e. Anyone know any honest mechanics?

  12. Hello


    I'm new here.

    I've had my baby for 9 years now, but I think its nearly the end :cry:


    My engine cut out whilst i was driving.


    I have lots of questions!


    I had just turned right and was going around 20 mph. i thought i had stalled and put my clutch in and pulled over. I did try to start it, but had no luck - did i damage it further by doing this?


    The RAC man said my cambelt was broken and it would cost me lots to get it fixed.


    The garage has now said it will be 800 pounds!


    How do i know if there has been damage to the valves or the pistons?


    Is it worth changing the cambelt only? - this will cost me 150 pounds!


    Please Help !!!

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