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Everything posted by Mikehabis

  1. Worst rutting I've noticed is the half mile before the Botley interchange on the Southbound A34 @ Oxford. If you're unaware of it, it can really make you jiggle- but if you're in a 4x4 the ruts actually keep you in line, look! no hands! :salute:
  2. Mikehabis


    the old switch burned out in '95, was replaced, that should explain it Nice pics, makes my heart swell :norty: Mike (previous owner)
  3. Congrats to "reallywantavr6"- now has to change his name, having taken delivery of a great car, his gain my loss, :( may the force be with him! Hoping to see it in the forum in the next few weeks Mike
  4. :scratch: it's actually the sound of the auto-self-destruct alarm set to blow up the engine one week after purchase!! :wink:
  5. Will post a For Sale thread now I have an idea of value-sorry if I'm 'jumping protocol'. I'll take pics this week and move to the Selling Forum, thanks for everybody's rapid responses, btw how do I find peoples pm's?
  6. Well I'll take it out of the garage Wednesday, take a few pics and see what people think...
  7. Definitely- I get the impression my friend spent more time cleaning, admiring and servicing it than driving it. I sold it to him with about 28k on, and bought it back 7 years later with 36k!!
  8. Moonlight Blue. I think I'll get it professionally valeted etc 'cos the paintwork is looking tired. I'm lazy with the rag...
  9. Yep, black leather in good condition. I was thinking £6k approx, but not sure-thanks for the input M
  10. Hi everyone- I bought my VR6 from new 3/12/1993, ran it for 3 years, had a family, sold it to a friend who polished it and drove it minimally, then bought it back 2 years ago. Great engine, bodywork fine but paintwork beginning to look like it needs professional polishing up. Upgraded alarm and amplifier with big speakers in the back. As you've probably guessed I'm no expert on the details, but the car is in fine fettle and i have no clue whether it's worth £4000 or £8000..... It hasn't had any repairs to my knowledge, certainly just services and MOTs in the last 2 years, full history of course. any questions or any advice? Thanks Mike
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