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Everything posted by Zoran

  1. Good luck fixing that, as you'll need it in good working condition again by the 8/10/2005, when you're off to another rolling road day ("P*nis size competition", as someone just called it over the phone :lol:), according to Dirk :-) The parts are already ordered, but it takes always a time if you let produce special parts :oops: . I got the possibilty to get a clutch suitable for 450 ft-lbs. The other parts (special built hybrid turbo and special built pump) will take also at least up to the mid of november. Of Course the complete engine will have to be disassembled and strongend. But then you'll have to have about 400bhp in an petrol corrado to follow me :twisted: . The torque will be about 420ft-lbs @ about 3000rpm and up from 1400 - 5000 always more than 320ft-lbs. If someone is still thinking a diesel is not worth being built in a corrado, he is not informed or just drunken :lol:. You can't compare a stock tdi with a tuned one. My actual engine lost at about 4,5second in fourth in the accelarationtime between the stock 90hp and the last driven 160hp. In fourth gear the stock time 38-63mph was 9,4 and tuned 4,9.In fifth 50mph-75mph 14,2 stock and 7,8 tuned. All driven with 17" rims. So even if you drive a well tuned g60 you still have the feeling that's something broken down. So, I'll have to go with my Ibiza on the "competition", just to have the biggest (torque) in the shortest (car) that day. Shame, as there's quite a bit going on here in the VW and Corrado-scene as well. [/quote:d09d0] I'm sorry for that, but I don't want to promise something wrong. Believe me, I'd like to come over again one time.
  2. @Jim: Some minutes at the meeting I was in a condition to read some urls, so it was a good idea to have some advertise on the corrados (I think it was 2cc's). @Tempest: Oh yeah, I wasn't really able to drive that day. What a luck Dirk went earlier to bed, otherwise I could be still in Osnarbrück :D . It's like a mysterious circle, cold beer, good weather, headache the next day, so you need some medicine (cold beer), oh, the weather is fine, headache again, medicine again, [...] Dirk drove carefully, anyway he couldn't drive hard, as my clutch is slipping. It's seem to be time for the next upgrade in my tdi. I hope I'll be able to visit the UK again, but I think the next two years it will not be possible, as I'm still doing chip-working/club-working/normal-working/study.
  3. I'm glad, that it seems you all arrived home well. It was really funny to meet some of you and I'm looking forward to see you again next year. BTW: You've got a really huge forum :norty:
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