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Everything posted by markeboy2005

  1. cool, i reckon i might change the pump and thermostat, getting fed up of doing the coolant, good pun by the way
  2. it comes out in a constant stream, does not really come out at idle, at least it is prob trickling down the side but with a few revs it comes out. down side is after trying to get the thermostat off the rear hex bolt had worn so the socket just spun, any idea's for getting out knackered bolts, i was thinking about one of thoses reverse thread bolt extrackters, how can i tell if the water pump is ok, is it hard to change???
  3. and how long should the fans run for mine go for about 20sec and dont do much to the temp?
  4. what is the carbon can supposed to do?
  5. how long should the fans com on for when the engine is running? mine come on at 90, 100, 110 but only stay on for 15;20secs tops and dont realy seem to bring the heat down????, then is still boils over
  6. hey after trying to change the termostat, one of the three bolts holding it on got ground up, i seemed slightly corroded, anyway i cood not get the bolt of so i could not change the thermostat, any idea's on removing the bolt, it the one at the back that is reccessed back(of course) !! the only thing i could think of was to break the housing off and get some mole grips in there, but i dont really fancy that, also how hot should the bottom hose get,? while my top hose is to hot to hold the bottom one gets dam hot but nothing as hot as the top, i guess its being cooled in the red, so it could make sense, one other thing, when i run the engine with out the expantion cap on, it bubbles over before the fan cuts in, any idea's?
  7. sorry for starting anouther thread, wont happen again,(slapp on wrist).
  8. yes it was the fuel one, i guess that would eplain the faint sell of petrol i had!! thanks
  9. can somebody tell me where the oil temp sensor is, after messing around under the bonnet it is not working now, must have nocked it, thanks
  10. ok so i have changed the cap refilled the system from the top hose and it is still over heating. it seems to circulate ok with the cap of there is a very little drizzel at idle hardly any thing really but once i rev it a little the is a good flow also how hot should the bottom hose get,? while my top hose is to hot to hold the bottom one gets dam hot but nothing as hot as the top, i guess its being cooled in the rad, so it could make sense, one other thing, when i run the engine with out the expantion cap on, it bubbles over before the fan cuts in, any idea's?
  11. hey after trying to change the termostat, one of the three bolts holding it on got ground up, i seemed slightly corroded, anyway i cood not get the bolt of so i could not change the thermostat, any idea's on removing the bolt, it the one at the back that is reccessed back(of course) !! the only thing i could think of was to break the housing off and get some mole grips in there, but i dont really fancy that, also how hot should the bottom hose get,? while my top hose is to hot to hold the bottom one gets dam hot but nothing as hot as the top, i guess its being cooled in the red, so it could make sense, one other thing, when i run the engine with out the expantion cap on, it bubbles over before the fan cuts in, any idea's?
  12. tried channging it, the back bolt on the housing is mashed, nore so now, so i could not get it of. any ideas thanks
  13. If the mole grips keep sliping, if you have a dremel drill or some thing grind the bolt so it is square ish then the mole should get a good grip, as h100vw says a bit of heats not a bad idea
  14. it is black and its about 1.5cm diameter, connects from the left hand side of the trottle body to a sensor located at the back of the air box...
  15. anybody got a good step by step guide to changing the thermostat on a vr6, i am going to atempt it tommorrow... do i have to remove the entire housing? and does it just pull of from the pipe that goes across the front of the engine?? any guides tip much appreciated. does the cover, covering the sensors just pull off? thankyou....
  16. anybody got a good step by step guide to changing the thermostat on a vr6, i am going to atempt it tommorrow... do i have to remove the entire housing? and does it just pull of from the pipe that goes across the front of the engine?? any guides tip much appreciated. does the cover, covering the sensors just pull off? thankyou....
  17. thanks andy i have got some new pipe so i will change it tommorow, could that cause overheating ?? if its the one u said it conects to a sensor behind the air box, i could not see any thing from the fuel but i did not look that hard... and yes guy it is a vr6 sorry to miss it out, house point to andy for spotting it, thankyou
  18. hi, there is a pipe that goes from near the throtle housing to a sensor at the back of the air box, its about 1.5 cm in diameter and i recon 20 cm long, mine has a big hole worn in it and i wondered what it was, cheers
  19. the coolant concentration is around 50/50, i filled it up from the expantion tank with the top hose of to let the air out and squeezing the hoses. it does seem to of had the prob beforehand though... is the thermostat a quick job, should i get all the parts from german swedish, and also where should i get the cap from
  20. if they are that cheap i will replace it, thanks
  21. yes the aux pump works at least if i turn the ignition on i can hear it. the rad gets hot and as i said the bootom hose gets hot but nothing as hot as the top one, but i guess it is being cooled through the rad.....
  22. yes both fans are working, one had seised but i replaced it and they work fine now. as for the speeds i must say i can only really notice 2 speeds. once at around 95 and then at around 112, obvoisly i am giving those temps from the gauge so its really a bit of a guess, is there anyway of testing all three speeds, as for the expantion cap i have not replaced it, it only seems to bubble over when over 112. it does seem to leak a tiny bit just before it goes... so it seems to be working, could that be at fault or are you recomending changing as a precaution?, cheers
  23. hi all, sory to bring this one up again, but as there seems to be a hundred diferet faulty thus there are a hundred different questions, i have a vr6 late 92, it allways runs hot, in trafic it contantly runs at water temp 110,oil at 110-118. the fan cuts in at around 90 cuts off then the temp creeps upto 105ish cutts in again, then up to 112 cuts in again, then creeps a liitle more and the starts to leak fom the expantion tank, then boils over... i have taken to turning it off at the lights so the fan cuts in and cools it down, which it does with great effiency. on the open road it runs oround 100 at 50mph - 60 mph oil at 112. if i drive around 90mph- 100mph it runs at 110 the oil at around 122 if on the motorway i put the clutch in and coast for a minute the temp drops to 90 and the oil fals th 105- 110 then it starts to heat up agian, i dont know if that nugget of info is any use but it might tell us something, i have replaced the thermo switch, replaced the heater matrix witch blew i guess becuase it got to hot, (fidderly but made so much easyer by this forum, thanks) filled with g12+, all i can think is air lock, does running it with the expantion cap of for a bit help with that?) or dodge thermostat, incerdently the stat definatly opens but not sure how much, when the engin is at 100-110 the top hode is pipeing the bottom one is hot but nothing like the top one, is that a prob or just a well functioning rad. sorry to go on, any help would be greatly apprieciated, also, i found a hole in the pipe that goes from near the throttle houseing to the air box, into some sensor, i cant imagine it is related, i will gt a new bit tomorrow, but what is it and what does it do?...... many thanks ps any pictures relating to the thermostat replacing greatly wanted,
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