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About dark_sounds

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  1. lol i wasnt rude,,, just think they had a bad day.... hmm it is interesting stuff... though icant be arsed. just take it as it comes.. its not a big deal to be stopped. can be quite amusing,,, they get an expression of they are onto a winner,, then to get let down and find out its only me :) also insurenace thing cos of my company wrong letter. they had N instead of M :s
  2. lol tbh by the time i waste a day and go check it out and petrol etc.. it would add up to half the price anyway... paid now... lol wat did the main man trver have to say?
  3. gone to pay online.. camden website.... traffic fine ... add to shopping basket... lol pic of basket and everything.. like a online shop.. right il have 3 traffic fines please.... checkout.... woah special offer. 3 for the price of 2... bargin..
  4. yeah sorry, just opened the letter, heat of the moment, would like to point a finger at someone if you know waht i mean... im very co-operative with the police, dont put up a fuss,, as i respect what they do,, was intrugued with that insurenace detector thing,, was pretty good.. and yeah they do have a job and i respect that.... though often it is a few police which give a bad name to the rest. on pair of tits were very rude,,, the other two occasions was alright.
  5. "failing to comply with a sign indicating a prohibition on certain types of vehicles" (motorcycles and cars)
  6. lol my cousin has been stopped 32 times in 3 weeks. drives a very nicely done M325. ... e30 325 with M kit ....he drives to uni so though london every day,,, hence loads of stopping...
  7. sorry if anyone here are police officers,,, but fucks sake so many fucking arseholes, not only did i get pulled over 3 times in one drive while going through london, for no flippin reason just a "routine check" and they thouht my insurenace was not valid... they had a computer that scanned number plates to see if the car was insured.... and to top it all off. i got a fucking penalty charge for something i well and truly did not know about.... they are trying to fine me 100 quid,, 50 if i pay within 14 days,,, arghhh one of these dodgy london roads at nite where you cant see anything properly anyway! ARGHGHGHGHGHG i DONT HAVE 50 QUID!!!!!!!!!!! is there anything i can do about it? http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b321/ ... CT0107.jpg
  8. can you get these for your car? if so does anyone have these? post up any pics please :)
  9. personal taste,,, some say the focals are harsh on the ears,,, so you cant listen to them for too long at high levels... though quality is better,,, alpine no complaints,, though apparently harder to get a good fit cos they so flippin chunky ... i tihnk...
  10. go to talkaudio.co.uk,,, ask the same question,,, many many more answers :) depends what kind of bass you are after,,, what kind of music are you into?? punchy bass or low bass? sealed and ported respectibly.... small and large volumes respectivly :) heres a few pics of my mk2 golf install.... its a spl install, for low bass... http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b321/ ... CT0067.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b321/ ... CT0043.jpg
  11. right good stuff,,, so theres a different style of body after what year??? do any of the g60s have it?? also whats more economical? a g60 or the2.0? anyone got any links to stat sheets? 0-60, 0-100, 1/4 mile? mpg? again thanks for your help :) btw nice car scarlett ;)
  12. hi all, was advised to come on here from ed38 as im now looking for a corrado :) ive always been VW just never could insure the corrado,,, though now i can!! :twisted: though having spent so much time researching golfs,,, i havnt looked at corrados much,,, i know as much as they look awsome.. anyway,,, deciding between 1.8 16v, 2.0 16v or a g60.... i have a budget of about 1500-2000 on the car,,, insureance the same on all of them with elephant for some reason . .. what would you guys recommend? any links to stat sheets? is there much difference between 1.8 and 2.0? g60-whoopage? all help very much appreciated... :) cheers
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