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About mau803

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  1. I'm up in aberdeen for the summer and was lookin for a recommended garage to take my car while I'm up here. Its a 91 16v corrado and its gettin pretty hot in traffic -dont think its anything major -I'm hoping its just somin to do with the thermo switch or fan switch or something simple like that -its all fine while the car is moving. I'd expect the temp to rise in traffic but it gets upto bout 108degC (water temp) which I reckon is probably not doin the engine any good. Someone said something about the hi speed mode of the fan not kicking in, sounds possible. When I switch off the engine after its been hot i'd expect the fan to kick in straight away -but it doesn't. I think it might actually kick in after a 10min delay or something like that -but in the mean time the engines obviously been cookin! I've had a go at lookin at it myself from what i've learnt here on the forum, but no joy. I reckon someone who knows what they're doin could suss it pretty quick, so i'm happy to take it in if anybody could recommend somewhere genuine to take it...! Thanks very much, Matt p.s. sorry if this is posted in the wrong bit, couldn't find anywhere else obvious to post it.
  2. cheers dave, i'll be going to have o look at the car this weekend -at least i'll know that theres a cost effective way round the damage. will let you know...
  3. i emailed gti-bits.co.uk, they said they do stock adp's for corrados but they come up listed as for 'polo 95>99'. are these really goin to fit?
  4. i'm looking at buying an 89 corrado in dark metallic green, in sounds all good, i haven't seen the damage but it didn't sound too messy according to the seller! all i can think of is ADP's to cover it up, i cant think how else to repair it. can they fix fiddly things like that in body shops without it turning into an expensive job? whats that dark metallic green paint like to match? anyone?
  5. just joined the site, whats the story with the ADP's? are they in production?! where can i get hold of them? (fair play for inventing them...)
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