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Everything posted by Vr6_polo

  1. Cheers do u happen to know there number?
  2. ok now im stuck unless someone can provide me with info on where the wires go from the diagnostic connector so i can get it on VAG...???? so far ive changed PLUGS, LEADS, ROTOR ARM, IGNITION AMP, BLUE TEMP SENSOR, HALL SENSOR and car still fells like its retarding the timing when its warming up
  3. ok ive just got a hall sender from bosch direct for £20 so VW can stick there complete dizzy up the u know what.... once ive done this i shall change the temp sensors like u suggest if it makes no differance
  4. Ive changed the plugs, leads, rotor arm, dizzy cap, ignition module ect unless some 1 has info on which pins the diagnostic connector goes to on the ECU i cant get it on VAG as for running hot the temp never goes above 70oC when driving and ive got an oil cooler to help it just used to get the heat soak to the air filter like most Vrs anyway which has now been sorted with a custom made alloy heat sheild
  5. Hi peeps i was hopein you could help me figure a little problem out ive got a 2.9 Vr6 ABV in my 6n polo problem is it runs fine and goes like stink for about the first 5mins of running the engine but as soon as it warms up it gives a little splutter (flat spot) when u press the throttle and seems to lack power but revs right through just nowhere near as quick as normal from what ive read i was going to change the HALL SENSOR but as its a Dizzy engine VW want 190+VAT for another dizzy does anyone know where i can get just the sender or do i have to get the whole dizzy :( :cry:
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