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Everything posted by Mikesp8

  1. Oil is what most people have said to me but to be honest i must have checked it at least once a week as well as the water because i thought it was running way to hot all the time. I only found out from this site that you can expect it to hit above the 100/110 running temp and not be to concerned. Cheers for the link by the way.
  2. I was a little concerned as well. Just unlucky i guess or didn't have a good enough look round the car when i got it, but how do you see or test for something like this? Anyway i thank you all for your advice and help, but if i could ask one more favour. I could ring round all the local vw machanics in the area and i'm sure someone would take the project on but if i'm going to get it done i'd like to know its going to be done properly. So if anyone has a number/web address of anywhere that they trust and would recommend that would be a great help. E.g Stealth etc
  3. Its a k-reg, 80 thou on clock with full vw service history and all reciepts for work done. Owned last 8 years by same guy (a 45 year old teacher if i remember correctly) and i've had it just 5 months with this being my first problem other than the door handle snapping.
  4. Fair play just wanted to get as much info as poss before jumping in and spending 3k. The cars still running and quite well (no loss of power) but it sounds like a train when it accelerates. Have taken it in and that’s how I know the bottom end is shot. Originally thought it might be tensioners or tappets but turned out to be other side of engine.
  5. So dr_mat if thats the case what do you recommend? Is there no way of getting it back on the road for less than the cost of the car and if not does that mean it's now worth 10% of jack sh1t?
  6. Cheers matth76 thats exactly what i wanted to hear. 1.5 -2k is pretty much the figure is was prepared to spend so sounds like the way forward
  7. cheers but i think i want to stick to a manual. I've been phoning around and have been quoted £700 for the engine refit so if i can find a warrantied vr engine for under £1500 i'll be well on my way Next stop German and Swedish.
  8. Ok, just been informed that the noise my corrado is making was not the tensioners but actually a destroyed bottom end. My question is what should i do next. Rebuild? Re-con or scrap and start again? and where best to get it done? My first quote has come back at £3500 which is a little to much for me. Any direction muchly appreciated.
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