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Everything posted by snake16valve

  1. Ok m8 thanks for all the info.. I will check for the info on the (wur)..
  2. How did u guess ? I have just put a k'n panel filter in and i never noticed one bit of difference ! So i thought i would try summit else.. something cheap ! ha ha !
  3. snake16valve


    Can anyone help me locate my cars Inlet Air Temp sensor. My car is a mk 2 golf GTI 1.8 16V 1988 (f) Engine code is KR-102kw. Thank's for anyone who can point me in the right directon...
  4. Ok cheers for info. Can u tell me what bhp gains i can expect ro get ? If any...with k'n or other.. Never show an idiot a half built house.
  5. Thank's. U mention oil. Can u tell me what that is for ?
  6. Hi there, can anyone recomend a good performance(panel) Air filter for my mk2 golf gti 1.8 16v. Thank's for any response....
  7. Thank's for the info SELBEKK...that has cleared that up !
  8. Neither have i..That's why i thought i would try on here... Thank's anyway m8 ! ANYONE ELSE ?
  9. Na m8..deffo says momo-corse on the back box..
  10. snake16valve


    Hi all has anybody heard of Momocorse stainless exhausts ? If so are the any good ?
  11. Thank's lotty..I prefer the look of the monza also. As u say (not so in yer face).
  12. I am having a look at the dtm range at the moment.
  13. Cheers m8...How much ??
  14. snake16valve


    Can anybody recomend a good back box for my mk 2 golf 1.8 16v. As i think it is about time i replaced the standard one.. Tanks for any replies....
  15. Cheers Glenn..I will speak to you at work in the morning...
  16. To right !....cant wait to get my own back on all those punto's thats been overtaking me...lol.
  17. Ok then...The new set of ht leads that i bought where f***ed.. well only 1 was. It was arking out to my engine.... Would u adam & eve it ?
  18. Hip Hip Hooray ! Thanks for all the help i got...thats the problem sorted. Power is superb ! The problem was that silly that i am embarrased to say what it was. Thank's to everyone though for ur help !
  19. I have checked all those connections.. they seem fine. What i did notice though is that the car is taking longer and longer to start. When i got the car it started no problem.Since i have only had the car a week i think this has something to do with my problem with the car not running properly.
  20. Cheers for that. I shall give it a go...
  21. I would be cheaper getting a new engine ! I will get the car booked in to a garage in the morning & take it from there. Thanks for all your help... WISH ME LUCK !
  22. Ok thank's.. If that is the case will that cost alot to get it fixed ? And would it be worth fixing it or would i be better off scrapping the car ?
  23. Hi guys me again ! Anyone any idea how much for a new coil ?
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