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Everything posted by ChesterBTM

  1. some very useful information there fellas, thanks for taking the time to empart ur knowledge. Rob
  2. wow thanks for your help guys and especially with the amazingly fast response. a corrado is looking better and better all the time. and the checklist is very interesting too. lots of uneful info there.
  3. hi guys and gals. im in the market to buy a new car and i have my heart set on a corrado VR6, the thing is as i have been a student for the last 5 years i have had some fairly old cars to get me about (mainly fiestas). it feels like i am always fixing bodywork especially rust and to be fair im getting pretty browned off with it. So my question to u knowlegable people here is, is there much of a rust problem with corrado's as they are starting to get old? if so are there any hotspots that need to have an eye kept on? thanks very much for looking and i appreciate your help. Rob
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