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Everything posted by DipsVW

  1. Are the Instructions still needed for this?
  2. Hi Mte I might be able to get Instructions for you. Any Idea how old the unit is?
  3. DipsVW

    Whistling G60

    Cheers Guys. Its not a Whoosh its a constant Whistle. Definitely caused by the Idle Screw. Whats the Normal Boost Meant to be be in BAR. Maximum Ive got on the motorway is +0.3. The car dont seem to be that nippy compared to my 8v GTI.
  4. DipsVW

    Whistling G60

    Also, anyone know where I can get a standard front splitter for CG60
  5. DipsVW

    Whistling G60

    yeah but the old screw is not in there. Its popped but left the O-ring in. Any Idea how the O-ring will come out
  6. DipsVW

    Whistling G60

    so how do I go about replacing this
  7. DipsVW

    Whistling G60

    Ive got the new Idling screw but dont know how to get the old O-ring out. Firewall too close to the throttle body as you may know. Does the old O-ring HAVE to come out? And is there a bible code to put this in i.e. how tight or how much of it needs to go in. Should engine be running while new one goes in or does it not matter.
  8. hmm found summing here. Sounds like the Idling screw has popped. How do I go about replacing this with a new one if the old O'ring is still inside
  9. DipsVW

    Whistling G60

    Any Idea how I can replace the Idle Screw. I think Mine just flew out. I think the old O' ring is still in there though. Do I HAVE to take that out to put the new screw in and if so, how do i go about removing the O'ring
  10. yeah it has a k&n in original filter housing
  11. hmm whereabouts would the pipe have to go. The whistle seems to behind the inlet manifold
  12. Funnily enough no. I cant hear the car whistling to Rolf n Val but it certainly whistles between tracks when they stop siingin
  13. lol @ oompah loompas. Is that technical code language for an engine compartment. No Oompah Loompas as yet. But did find the neighbours cat sleeping in the engine bay once
  14. Oh sorry its G60 1992. Engine is unmodified to my knowledge
  15. Oh and also, the cars done 89000 on the clock but not History. Runs superb but the vacuum gauge dnt wanna go higher than 0.2 On warm idling, its on about -0.5. Is this common?
  16. Hi All. Encountered a small Prob on the motorway the other Day. had my music up loud and when the track changed and music went off, heard the engine Whistling away Like a Kettle. Still driving OK - No loss in Vacuum Boost. but very loud whistling. Any suggestions?
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