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Everything posted by timmyC

  1. That's apparently what i need! i had fitted yesterday a new lambda probe...it was an expensive day ooch!! i went to awesome near Manchester, they tell me the throttle postion switch won't be coming in from germany until late may!! :shock: the thing is my car is sounding absolute turd! low rev's sounds more like a poo nova (no dis respect meant) but a dirty dog, u no what i mean. i've got a month old milltek on too, so it not the exhaust. the guys are thinking the throttle switch will fix this problem any of you guys come across this problem before??? cheers
  2. exactly mate! i suppose you've got to trust them but its well annoying when it goes wrong! i've found some decent guys at a vw speaclist elsewhere now so hopefully no more problems...and of course the CF boys are good lads!
  3. I have a miltek ss after the cat. since fitting a cat (a cheap one) it sounds-turd. more at low revs when setting off. its horrible! so i was thinking of geting rid of the cheap cat and fitting a cat by pass pipe, but from a custom build exhaust place. i didn't realise a cheap cat would cause this! so hopefully a decat will sort it!! any thoughts??
  4. You superstar! i refit mine after reading this post and its back to how it should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well done mate! :D
  5. UPDATE on 4th lead... i've been to vw specialist today and they have told me you do need a proper HT which unclips as i have tried and them too, to remove my rpm bit from the HT lead. so i need to get a single 4th from the vw dealership. as for the problem with my car...it was leaking air from the pipe running off the metering unit-simple! so i need to get a new one as it had 'caved' in (reason for leaking) so a bit of tape on it for now and a little reset of the emissions and she's running sweet! happy days! cheers again for your help speak to again ;)
  6. nice one yeah it did go back normal.. my car is booked in for friday instead now so i won't mention it to them in case they try selling me a new one!! hopefully it'll need just a set up...i wish!!
  7. i had a go but couldn't see how to un clip the lead so jsut fitted the new lead and left the pick up lead off. she's running loads better as a result-it used to cut out every time i dropped into neutral for lights (well annoying!) but now it happened only the once! i've got a her booked in for wednesday at another place so hopefully they will sort it!! another thing whilst i'm here...i caught the knock sensor by accident and the sound/pitch of the engine changed! its all over my head anyhow so appreciate any help! i'm gonna try find a picture 9a engine somewhere which shows the location of all the parts people go on about! any ideas?? :?
  8. cheers everyone i will have a bash at it!! until next time! :)
  9. hello i'd really appreciate some help! i'll try and explain... i've recently tried to replace my HT leads as the C is running shite as usual and the leads are old and have a rusty colour to them! anyways so i bought from dubsport thinking they would supply the correct ones for my 93 2L 16 valver-only to fit them and realise that the 4th lead (furthest to right) has another lead coming off it! but none of the new supplied leads have this...i have been told that this 4th lead has a rpm lead which gives the rpm reading on the dials?? so i called the supplier and they hadn't a clue...or just un clip it was there final thoughts!! i can't see anywhere where it can be unclipped or am i not being brave enough!! so i'm going to call around but i thought i'd ask you lot for some honest feedback first!! cheers :wink: Tim
  10. hi mate sorry if this has been said before but there is loads of pages!! anyways how did you find the removal of the side strips/protectors? i'm scared of literally removing the car paint! Any info from your experience would be cool! cheeRS
  11. timmyC


    hello hello i need help!! my sunroof stopped working at the weekend lucky for me i have been told about the manual overide (using the allen key) what is the common fault on this? the lights still work could it be the switch or is it more likely the motor that drives the mechanism? Anyone had this happen to them, what did you do to fix it? much appreciated!! Tim
  12. Hello hello :) i need to replace my indicators so do i need to get the front bumper off? if so can you describe the best way in which to do this... Much appreciated!! Tim
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