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About Lovinit

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/25/1981


  • Location
    NW London


  • Interests
    Football, Golf, Tennis Music, VW's


  • Occupation
  1. after waiting a long time to really clean my car since Inters, i finally gotta break with the weather and cleaned my car...woo woo... here's some pics, even i'm impressed...looks better than in real life... :lol:
  2. hey thats my car..woo hoo...and you managed to get it when i'd changed the repeaters that morn... cool...amazin how subtle things can make a diff...like the side repeaters and the rear lights...makes it look a bit more modern now i think...
  3. not sure what the RRp is on the cam's... I have every confidence that the boys down at G-werks no what they doin? i get most of my work done with them... I was hoping to get an idea of what i'm letting my self in for...I have looked at the searches aswell..seems pretty positive, so thanks for the advise booked in for 19th July... I'll let you know how it goes...ah yeah
  4. Spoke to the guys a G-werks about changing the cam on my G60..they recommended me a Schrick cam... I don't know much about em or cams generally, but can anyone tell me what to expect from this.. is it worth it for performance? what kinda increase is it..what does this do to idle speed..is it really lumpy? over reving? etc... Any help or info on this subject would be much appreciated... Looking to get it booked soon, so just wanna know i'm making the right choice... Cheers James
  5. cheers for the compliment.., has its quirks as i'm sure they all do... was gonna sell it, but after inters fell in love with it again..now its starting to cost me money again on all the bits i want for it.. ah well, the things we do.. james
  6. gave it another crack this morn...had inspiration.. actually was more just dying to get em on.. and fortuantly after a lot of fiddling and blown fuses, i've managed to connect it up.. safely and it all seems to be working fine... i'l let you know after i've driven for abit if i blow the dashboard or something..... I'd like to say thanks for all those who helped.... :lol: hopefully next time i'l have a prob peeps can or wanna help me with... woo hoo...(now i need silver bulbs) James
  7. so no one has fitted smoked /red rear lights on there corrado??? please help... want my car to look good....
  8. heya there, got a 92 G60..and i just bought new rear light clusters..(smoked/Red) in the back of my c i got this big black plastic thing that holds the bulbs, that slips into the rear light! On the new one this big black plastic thing doesn't seem to fit., so i assume i have to cut the wires into this plastic thing then connect em up to the new bulb holders? is this right? and if it is which wires go where? anyone got a diagram b4 i start chopping stuff up unnecessarily ... or am i totally wrong Cheers James
  9. the bus one..did the bus just evaporate... it almost disappears... scary stuff...
  10. looks cool, unusual seat belts have fun with it..and welcome James
  11. that poor beetle... thought it was a joke at first a kinda candid camera thing.. but nope it really was jst a bad advert..hehe J
  12. do like that ad... very clever.. spider scared the missus tho...hehe
  13. nice car mate, whats the interior like? James
  14. i think its a bit too heavy i think..when you check all the time trials, the golfs always seem to do better.. but hey i love my c..
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