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Everything posted by JY

  1. oo nasty, mines pretty gd she runs at about 31 mpg when shes being pushed, the most iv had out of her was 45mpg but tht was accordin to the on board computer, but yea my 16vs not in bad nick jst there's few things need doin to her, had debated puttin a turbo on but for what it would cost to do it wouldnt be worth it as shes not mint. I just fancied a change to a vr, but had been told they are v thirsty, and didnt want to get rid of mine to find out i couldnt afford to run a vr. cheers
  2. heya all, im debating selling my 2ltr 16v nd getting a vr6 corrado, would just like any suggestion as to whether its worth it or not, obviously the vr is quicker but how thristy are they? as mine does between 32- 42 mpg/ are they costly to run any general advice would be appreciated, cheers Jon
  3. JY

    Chrome Door Handles

    hey all, am currently doing up my raddo and im lookin for some chrome door handles, i kno audi handles can be made to fit, but does anyone know if you can get a corrado door handle in chrome nd if so wher from? any help appreciated. Jon
  4. JY

    Help with back box

    Hey all, ive recently changed the engine in my raddo and install a stainless manifold and de cat pipe, but now my back box sounds lik theres a bee stuck in it (boy racer sound) and i wana get a deeper note from the exaust whats the best brand/type to go for? am i better off with a single or twin? really appreciate any help, cheers Jon
  5. hi all, bascially would lik sum general advice, am in the process of taking my 1.8 16v lump out nd replacin it with a 2lt 16v and am tempted to put the old 1.8 cams in as i believe they r lik the sports cams for a 2lt, jst wonderd if this is ture and any problems this might cause? cheers for any help
  6. JY

    Borbet Alloy wheels

    thanks yea iv only got a 16v, so you recon 9s would go on the back if i got the correct offset
  7. JY

    Borbet Alloy wheels

    hi all, am thinking about get sum new rims ( A Borbets ) for my corrado, and just wondered what people thought about them, you recon its best to go for 7's on front and 9's on the back? was abit unsur if 9's will fit on the back properly and other problem is ive been told you can only get the A style in a 16, any advice would be much appreciated thanks. Jon
  8. ive replaced the engine it was a 2.0 16v to a 1.8 16v kept 2.0 litre gearbox but need to re wire speedo as its not in the wiring loom of a 1.8 not sure as to where the cables connect too, iv got a blue nd white, a black and a brown going to the connector for the gearbox, not sure what the conncections are on the fuseboard? Also my rev counter is flick between 1 and 2 thousand revs guess this must also be down to a wiring fault, any help appreciated cheers Jon
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