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Everything posted by virescopty

  1. The blower itself works on all 4 settings, but at present the controls are set to driver and floor, I can get floor only, but it still blows to driver and footwell, If I could get the knob to direct air to the windscreen, then it still blows to driver and floor, this is really irritating when the screen mists up when it rains!!!. i think that sonething on the selsctor will need replacing as these things tend to work by opening and closing flaps I just dont know how to actaully get to the area behind the control dial itself.
  2. So things went OK, I changed the vblower etc, and it is working great. New problem though, the control that diverts the air to feet windscreen, driver etc has now broken. So my next question is how do i get to the guts of this one? Do I need to remove the centre console, or just the "facia" where the controls are or does the whole dash need tocome out? - I really wosh that there was a decent basic manual for these cars. Any suggestions are gratefully received, Thanks
  3. Thanks for your reply. The relays did dry out and then the blower starter to work but intermittantly. I eventually nailed it down to poor contacts in the plug on the side of the blower. a bit of WD40 and it all seems to be working OK at the moment - Cheers.
  4. The blower on my 2.0L 16v died some time ago, i have done what was suggested to try and get it to work, ie checked the contacts on the switch etc and have even changed the unit for another but still it refuses to work. Whilst removing the old unit I noticed that there were two relays situated above the blower ducting behind the glove box. There was also abit of damp, wel it was wet from aleak that I have now got to trace. The numbers on the tops of the relays are 179 and 79. Has any body got any idea what these are for as I am thinking that if they have shorted due to being wet this may be why my blower wont work! Any ideas?
  5. Thanks that doesnt seem too demanding - i have posted the same question again this morning please dont reply to it as i was just being a numpty! - Thanks for the replies.
  6. Some months before my corrado went into a one year coma, the blower would only work on 4 and then decided that it had had enough and would not work at all. No problem says I, i would fit a replacement blower. Only one problem - how do your actually get to the blower? Does this job require removing the entire dash? Can i get to it through the glove box space? Do I have to remove all of the passenger side shelving? Some one please tell me the easiest way of replacing the blower. Cheers.
  7. Thanks for the responses, The fuel pump i know needs replacing with anew rather than second hand one and I may as well change the filter at the same time but the idling problem appears to have been a stuck ISV. I soaked it in gunk, and it now idl;es but still alittle rough. Could this be due to the pump and filter?
  8. Thanks for the responses, i know that the fuel pump will need to be changed but this didnt really explain why the car would not idle. The answer appears to have been a sticky idle speed control valve. I have managed to get it free, by soaking it in gunk, and although that seems to have got it idling it is still alittle rough. Could that be the result of a nearly deceased fuel pump?
  9. The external fuel pump started making noises and eventually gave up. The car was pushed onto the drive. I checked the pump in the fuel tank and that seemed to be OK. I next changed the pump under the car with a second hand one. This is still making a noise so it will probably be coming to the end of its life! But, the car does not run smoothly, often missing, and when the clutch is depressed, ie to idle it stalls. I suspect that I will need an new pump, but was told that sometimes the relays can cause similar problems. I have checked all the relays that I can locate and although I appear to have got it running more smoothly the car still will not idle. Any ideas where i should check next? The engine is a 9A version and even sorting the relays out took ages, however I do not appear to have a relay for the ECU, supposedly in position No3.
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