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Posts posted by asp*

  1. Back again!!!...so is it possible to find these drainage channels at the sunroof end with a knackered sunroof i.e. it won't slide open (only tilt) like every other corrado ive owned!!! Cos if not i'm fecked!!





    edd, have you had any luck with sorting this out?

    i have exactly the same problem with wet carpets/sunroof.


    being a bit of a spaz with fixing cars, i'm finding it difficult to understand everything else that i should be checking, but i'll have a little look round now...

  2. It's not always a bad thing that people don't know much about cars...

    I got my first Corrado two weeks ago and since then 3 people (inc. 1 bloke) on separate occasions have asked me if it's the same as the car from Back to the Future.


    Now, I like the Corrado, but it doesn't bother me if people think I'm driving round in a De Lorean either!



    ***goes off to draw up plans for new device that releases flammable liquid from two pipes at the back of car which will subsequently be ignited once speed reaches 88mph***

  3. who'd have thought 10 minutes woth of photoshop could cause such a kerfuffle...


    i am a 100% actual person, i promise.


    here's a pic of the real thing - not quite so exciting, but it'll do for me :)


    i actually bought this off bigbluec who told me about this forum, so he can take all credit for it really. it's had new springs with a 40mm drop and lots of other fancy pants things that i don't understand (thanks will!).

    needless to say my automotive knowledge is somewhat lacking, but I know a nice looking car when i see one (and they generally don't have 4ft spoilers or funny spade things coming out the front either!!).


    it's nice to be here anyhoo.

    that bird greasing up the bonnet in the first pic doesn't look much like me at all i'm afraid...


    -are there any other girls around here or wot¿



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