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About j3nfx

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/28/1984


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  • Occupation
    Training Co-Ordinator
  1. hi guys thanks for all that. i called my mate who is a mechanic last night and he said something about it being normal in older cars as it is the pressure in the fuel thingy ... i have no idea what he meant but he going to look at it on monday. right i cant put pictures up as i am rubbish so could i email some to someone to post up ... i did buy it off here so there are pics in the for sale section ... x
  2. thanks guys. sorry i am not very technical so what happens with the start is when you turn the key it starts to turn on but just takes about 10 seconds to actually do it. but it has had a new battery this year and it doesnt sound from what you said like that. glad about the fuel pump as it has been worrying me. also occasionally i can smell petrol. the only way to describe it is we have s skyline as well which is overfuelling and smells of petrol when you turn it on and off my corrado smells like that ... is this normal?
  3. well thanks to this website i am now the proud owner of a very good looking and well looked after corrado 2.0 16v. I am pleased as punch but i just need a little bit of advice. this morning she struggled a little to start. Not much but I am a bit concerned that as the weather gets colder this could become a bigger problem. What can I do to make this better? Also my fuel pump is very noisy. the car has had a service and an mot with it like this and i was told it is not a problem but i just wondered what you guys thought ... thanks in advance. jen
  4. j3nfx

    Fog Lamp

    Hi Please could you let me know where I can get a fog lamp from? I have checked ebay and none for sale at the moment. Sorry to sound thick
  5. welcome ... i joined a couple of weeks ago to find myself a stunner and i pick her up on saturday so good luck!
  6. i've only just bought mine right before winter i hope she will be ok but i cant imagine putting her away for winter... anyway we have tucked the skyline up for winter ...
  7. j3nfx

    Please help!

    unfortuantley spoke to the guy last night and it sold last night .... gutted but going to TotalCarSales this weekend as they seem to have alot of corrado's there. whats the rating on this place whats it like?
  8. j3nfx

    Please help!

    do you think its worth the money?
  9. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1992-VW-CORRADO-G ... dZViewItem I am going to see this hopefully this weekend. Just wondering what people think and are there any questions i should ask. I have my corrado checklist to take with me .... Thank you xx
  10. j3nfx

    Hi I'm New

    Thanks guys xx can i ask a bit of advice on superchargers? i dont really know much about them and i'm just wondering about servicing and looking after them?
  11. j3nfx

    Hi I'm New

    i like the look of the left hand drive red one but am nervous about the left hand drive .. i know my limits with cars and am not sure whether that may be pushing them a little.
  12. j3nfx

    Hi I'm New

    hi guys thank you for the warm welcome. I can't get insured on a vr6 but thank you anyway. i have 3k to spend. I am from leyland near Preston in Lancashire
  13. Hi my name is Jen and I am currently looking for a corrado but I don't have much knowledge of them and was wondering if anyone could give me some tips and advice with what to look for in a corrado. I would like either a 2ltr 16v or a g60. Thank you in advance for any help you can give. xx
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