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Posts posted by DEBBIE JO

  1. Hellluuupp!!!!!

    My 2.0L 16V has developed an idle problem.

    It always starts and runs like a dream but once the engin is turned off it will not idle at all if started again before the engin has cooled. Therefore you need to let the car stand for a least an hour before you can drive it again.

    I am thinking of replacing the ISV but would love someone to let me know if this is likely to fix the problem. Not being exactly flush I would hate to go to the expense to find I still have the same problem.

    Can anyone help, please.

    Debbie Jo

  2. Hellluuupp!!!!!

    My 16V has developed an idle problem.

    It always starts and runs like a dream but once the engin is turned off it will not idle at all if started again before the engin has cooled. Therefore you need to let the car stand for a least an hour before you can drive it again.

    I am thinking of replacing the ISV but would love someone to let me know if this is likely to fix the problem. Not being exactly flush I would hate to go to the expense to find I still have the same problem.

    Can anyone help, please.

    Debbie Jo

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